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Durridge RAD-7 Big Bottle System(鼓泡瓶,塑料制)

高精度的RAD-7测氡仪水配件 High Sensitivity Radon In Water Accessory for the RAD7

  • 市场价: ¥7440.00
  • 销售价: ¥6200.00
  • 节省: ¥1240.00
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配件价格:¥54000.00 数量: 您可以单把独这个商品加入购物车

Durridge RAD-7 Big Bottle System(鼓泡瓶,塑料制)

The Big Bottle System is an accessory for the RAD7 that enables users to measure radon in 2.5L water samples with high sensitivity. The lower limit of detection is well below 1 pCi/L (40 Bq/m3) radon concentration in water. The upper operating limit is 10,000 pCi/L (400,000 Bq/m3). For ranges higher than that, the standard RAD H2O accessory is recommended.

The Big Bottle System consists of several components, including the Tubing Set, Support Stand, Elastic Clinching Strap, USB Temperature Logger, Hermetically Sealed Thermocouple, and two 2.5 L Glass Bottles. The tubing set includes a check valve, aerating stones, and aerator cap. A RAD7 is required, as is either a Laboratory Dryer or DRYSTIK.

The complete system (excluding the optional DRYSTIK), is portable and battery operated, and the measurement is moderately fast. Even for the lowest radon concentrations you can have an accurate reading of radon in the water within two hours of taking the sample.

The Big Bottle System gives results after 120 minutes of analysis, or less, with a sensitivity that far exceeds that of liquid scintillation methods. The method is simple and straightforward, and there are no harmful chemicals to use. Once the procedure becomes familiar and well understood it will produce accurate results with minimal effort.

Soda Bottle Coupler-Cap Accessory

For added convenience and versatility, the Big Bottle System can be used with standard soda bottles of any size from 500 ml to 2 liters. This configuration requires the Soda Bottle Coupler-Cap accessory, which is used with an aerator system similar to that used in the standard 2.5 Liter jug.

Larger bottles allow for greater precision and lower limits of detection. With a 500ml bottle, it is possible to measure comfortably down to below 5 pCi/L (200 Bq/m3). With a 2L bottle it becomes possible to measure down to 1 pCi/L (37 Bq/m3).

CAPTURE Software Integration

DURRIDGE's CAPTURE software makes it easy to download and analyze data recorded using the Big Bottle System. The program provides controls for identifying the specific experiment configuration, and it automatically calculates radon concentrations with respect to the the specified water temperature and volumes. The software is free to use and is available for download here.

Big Bottle System Physical Specifications

Glass Bottle System Shipping Dimensions  17" x 17" x 17" (43 cm x 43 cm x 43 cm)

Glass Bottle System Shipping Weight      11 pounds (5.0 kg)

Soda Bottle System Shipping Dimensions   14" x 14" x 14" (36 cm x 36 cm x 36 cm)

Soda Bottle System Shipping Weight pounds (2.3 kg)

Retort Stand Shipping Dimensions         37" x 8" x 2" (94 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm)

Retort Stand Shipping Weight             6 pounds (2.7 kg)


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