Study and monitor particles smaller than the detection threshold of any CPC. Airmodus A11 Nano Condensation Nucleus Counter system measures particles as small as 1 nm in diameter. It is a complete system consisting of a particle size magnifier, a particle counter and operation software. Airmodus A11 can be used to measure the total number concentration of sub-micron particles, or to learn about characteristics and dynamics of the 1-4 nm particles in real time.
Benefits of the A11
- Detect particles as small as
1 nm in diameter in real time
- Also the electrically neutral particles
- Study the formation and growth of 1-4 nm particles
- Activation spectrum can be used for size or composition information.
- Data inversion in real time
Three operation modes
- Fixed mode: One fixed cut-off* for monitoring the appearance of
- Stepping mode: Steps through several user-defined cut-offs*. Use to observe pre-defined size classes.
- Scanning mode: The activation spectrum of 1 – 4 nm* particles in less than 5 minutes
Measurement range 1 - 1000 nm.
50% cut-off selectable: 1.2 – 3.5 nm*
Concentration Calibrated: 0 – 100 000 #/cm3
We recommend using in single particle counting mode: Up to 30 000 #/cm3 in single particle counting mode with coincidence <10%; higher concentrations with Total Scattering Mode Correction
Aerosol sample flow 2.5 lpm
(sample flow to CPC 1 lpm)
Working fluid Diethylene Glycol (>99%) n-Butanol (>99%)
Sample conditions
Pressure: 90 to 105 kPa
Relative humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing**
Environmental conditions
Temperature: 15oC to 30oC Pressure: 90 to 105 kPa
Relative humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing
Communication Airmodus A10:
Serial: RS-232
USB: type B connector
Analog out: BNC connector 0 to 10 V for external devices, e.g. controlling of a DMA or ion filter.
Analog in: BNC connector, 0 to 10 V (reading data of external sensor)
Analog out: BNC connector 0 to 10 V, user-selectable function output (linear concentration, also DMA voltage control)
Pulse out: BNC connector
Serial: RS-232
Ethernet: RJ45
USB: type B connector
Both instruments: All communication based on ASCII character-encoding scheme.
Fittings Airmodus A10:
External vacuum: fitting for 1⁄4 in. tubing
External compressed air: fitting for 1⁄4 in. tubing
Inlet: 1/4 in. stainless steel tube
Outlet: 1/4 in. stainless steel tube
Airmodus A20:
External vacuum: 1/4 in. stainless steel tube
Inlet: 1/4 in. stainless steel tube
Software Airmodus A1X software for online data inversion and data acquisition (for Microsoft Windows)
External vacuum requirement
100 - 350 mbar pressure at NTP
External compressed air requirement
1.5 - 2.5 bar at NTP
The air should be free of particles, oil and water (dew point below 0oC); maximum operating pressure is 3.0 bar at NTP.
Power requirements For both instruments:
100 - 240 VAC
max. 320 W
universal AC input/full range
Dimensions and weight
Airmodus A10:290x450x465 (height x width x depth in mm), 17.0 kg
Airmodus A20:260x230x400 (height x width x depth in mm), 10.5 kg
Shipping conditions Temperature: 0 - 40oC
Relative humidity: <95% non condensing
The instrument should be shipped in upright position and should be protected against tremor and blows.
*) Nickel Chromium equivalent activation diameter
**) Above 40% please dry the sample to avoid excess water condensation inside the instruments
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4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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