The new generation of image analysis for a new standard of results 新一代的图像分析结果的新标准
- Breakthrough Robotic camera - allows placement very close to the sample, resulting in very high sensitivity and superior image quality under a wide range of conditions. 突破机器人相机 -允许放置样品非常接近,导致很高的灵敏度和卓越的图像质量,广泛的条件下。
- High resolution - selectable scientific camera (2.0 Mpixel, 3.2 Mpixel) gives maximum band separation and best quality images. 高分辨率 -可选择的科学摄像头(2.0万像素,320万画素)给人最大的带分离和最佳的图像质量。
- Unrivalled sensitivity - high speed super bright lens collects maximum light from the sample while maintaining crisp, clear images with minimal geometric and light distortion. 无与伦比的灵敏度 -高速超明亮镜头最大光从样品收集,同时保持鲜明,清晰的图像几何光以最小的失真。
- Novel Deep Liquid Cooling System - cools the camera to minimum of -70°C for better accuracy, longer exposure time and minimal dark noise. 新型液体深层冷却系统 -冷却相机最低-70℃,更好的准确性,较长的曝光时间和最小的暗噪声。
- Illumination versatility - 10 types of illumination sources to suite a wide range of samples and applications. 照明的多功能性 -套件样品和应用广泛的10种类型的照明光源。
- Fully automated and motorized - permits simultaneous control of a number of settings such as: zoom, focus, gain and more, for easier image capture and faster results 完全自动化和电动 -允许同时控制了一些设置,如:变焦,聚焦,增益和图像捕捉更容易更快的结果,
DNR's breakthrough MF-ChemiBIS family is the most advanced image analysis system in the market for 1D and 2D fluorescent, chemiluminescent, and colorimetric applications. DNR突破性的MF-ChemiBIS的家庭是最先进的图像分析系统,在市场上的一维和二维荧光,化学发光,色应用。
With advanced robotic camera, controlled by the software and motorizes up and down automatically, DNR's new line of imaging systems outperforms the standard zoom lens by a wider field of view, easier and faster operation, and better sensitivity, which all have a direct impact on the results, especially in faint samples.随着先进的机器人摄像头,控制由软件和motorizes向上和向下自动,DNR新线成像系统优于标准变焦镜头更广泛的领域来看,操作更容易,更快,更好的灵敏度,这一切有直接影响结果,尤其是在微弱的样品。
A vibration free technology of a Deep Liquid Cooling Technology cools the camera by liquid to a temperature down to -70ºC.无振动技术的深层液体冷却技术冷却液相机的温度下降到-70℃。 DNR is the first to implement a liquid cooling technology in imaging systems. DNR是第成像系统中实现一个液体冷却技术。 The technology outperforms all other methods currently in the market and results in better accuracy, longer exposure time (up to 24 hours), minimal dark noise and full stability of the system.该技术优于目前在市场上的所有其他方法和更好的精确度,较长的曝光时间(长达24小时),暗噪声最小和全系统的稳定性的结果。
The MF-ChemiBIS smart dark chamber is fully automated (camera, iris, focus, filter wheel) and includes DNR's unique Automatic Drawer Detection Technology of the three different drawers (UV, WL, ECL) supplied with the system for an optimal match with the light source and sample.该MF-ChemiBIS的智能暗腔是完全自动化的(相机,光圈,聚焦,滤光轮)和包括自然资源的独特的自动抽屉检测技术的3不同的抽屉(紫外线,WL,ECL)提供与系统的最佳匹配与光源和样品。
The MF-ChemiBIS family standard with DNR's acquisition software - GelCapture - for complete, automatic control of configuring, capturing and saving sample for analysis in a minimum amount of time. MF-ChemiBIS家庭DNR收购软件 - GelCapture - 完成后,自动配置,捕获和保存样本进行分析,在最短的时间内控制标准。
Specifications 产品规格
System 系统 |
MF-ChemiBIS 2.0 MF-ChemiBIS 2.0 |
MF-ChemiBIS 3.2 MF-ChemiBIS的3.2 | ||
Camera & Optics 数码相机及光学 | ||||
CCD resolution CCD分辨率 |
1,640 x 1,214; 2.0 Mpixel 1,640 x 1,214; 2.0万像素 |
2,184 x 1,510; 3.2 Mpixel 2,184 x 1,510,320万画素 | ||
Gradation层次 |
16 bit (65,536 gray levels) 16位(65536级灰度) | |||
Dynamic range动态范围 |
Approx.约。 5 orders of magnitude 5个数量级 | |||
Interface接口 |
USB 2.0 USB 2.0 | |||
Binning宾宁 |
1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4, 5 x 5, 6 x 6, 7 x 7, 8 x 8 1×1 2×2,3×3,4×4,5×5 6×6,7×7,8×8的 | |||
Illumination & Darkroom 照明暗房 | ||||
Dark chamber暗室 |
DNR's Smart Dark Chamber DNR的智能暗室 | |||
Drawer抽屉 |
3 interchangeable drawers : UV, ECL, optional: WL 3对可互换抽屉:抗紫外线,ECL,可选:WL | |||
Emission filters排放过滤器 |
5-position filter wheel with 3 standard filters (included)有3个标准的过滤器(包括5位滤光轮) | |||
Illumination modes照明模式 |
Trans-UV, Trans-WL, Epi-WL跨紫外线,跨WL,EPI-WL | |||
Optional: Epi-UV, QuattroLED illumination kit fro advanced fluorescnece appliations可选:EPI紫外线,QuattroLED的照明套件来回高级fluorescnece应用进展 | |||
Excitation sources激发源 |
White light白光 | |||
Optional: 254 nm or 365 nm可选:254纳米或365纳米 | |||
Optional: dual UV source可选:双紫外光源 | |||
QuattroLED Iillumination system (optional) QuattroLED的Iillumination系统(可选) |
470 nm, 525 nm, 620 nm, 740 nm 470纳米,525纳米,620纳米,740纳米 | |||
Software 软件 | ||||
Image capture图像捕捉 |
GelCapture, lifetime free upgrade GelCapture,终生免费升级 | |||
Image analysis的图像分析 |
GelQuant Pro for 1D analysis GelQuant临1D分析 | |||
Optional 1D analysis software: Phoretix 1D, Phoretix 1D Pro(Nonlinear Dynamics)可选1D分析软件:Phoretix Phoretix 1D,1D(非线性动力学) | |||
Optional 2D analysis software: Prodigy Same Spot(Nonlinear Dynamics)可选的2D分析软件:奇才同一地点(非线性动力学) | |||
Power功率 |
100 or 230 VAC 50-60 Hz 100或230 VAC ,50-60赫兹 | |||
Band cutting illuminator带切割照明 |
Designed specifically to cut bands专削减频段的 |
- Fluorescence - Ethidium bromide, SYPRO™ Orange, SYPRO™ Red, Cy ™ 2, Cy ™ 3, Pro-Q™ Diamond, Deep Purple™, Rhodamine Red, SYPRO™ Ruby, SYBR™ Green, GelStar™, SYBR™ Gold, Fluorescein, Texas Red™, GFP, and more 荧光 -溴化乙锭,SYPRO™SYPRO™橙,红,赛扬™2,赛扬™3-Q™钻石,深紫™,若丹明红,SYPRO™红宝石,SYBR™绿色,™GelStar,SYBR™黄金,荧光,得克萨斯红™,绿色荧光蛋白,多
- Colorimetric - Silver Stain, Coomassie Brilliant Blue, film, and more 色度 -银染,考马斯亮蓝膜,多
- Chemiluminecsence - ECL™, ECL-Plus™, Lumi Light Plus™, Super Signal™, CDP Star™, CSPD™ Chemiluminecsence - ECL™ECL-PLUS™,Lumi光的加™,超级信号™,CDP星™,CSPD™
- Other - TLC plates, spot and slot blots, autoradiographs, microplate, macroarrays, membranes, and more 其他 - TLC板,现货和老虎杂交,放射自显影,酶标仪,巨阵列膜,多
4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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