Cole-Parmer CPN-956-216 超声波清洗器
高频率42 kHz高频率声波清洗提供了更大的功率,增加了可靠性
超级密封防漏外壳设有双O型环和凹进的通风。304不锈钢(SS)水箱经久耐用,耐冲击聚丙烯外壳包围。密封膜控制面板不受飞溅和泄漏。加热器和机械定时器提供增强的清洁工 2-1/2- 热清洗1-1/2-,5-1/2-加仑的清洁剂
包括:聚丙烯(SS盖08894系列),整合手柄,防滑脚,和一个7 1/2-ft(2.1米)电源线。(115伏直流型包括插头,230伏直流型不包括插头)单独订购清洁溶液。
High-frequency 42 kHz high-frequency sound waves provide greater cleaning power and increased reliability
Sweep frequency provides uniform cleaning by creating overlapping sound waves
These cleaners transform low-frequency AC current into 42 kHz high-frequency sound waves via piezoelectric transducer. The transducer creates sinusoidal waves, which in turn cause cavitation—the formation and violent collapse of minute vacuum bubbles in the solution. These implosions thoroughly scrub every surface with which the solution makes contact, yet are not harsh on delicate items. Cleaners also feature "sweep" frequency that provides uniform cleaning thoughout the tank by creating overlapping ultrasonic waves and eliminating inconsistent cleaning due to areas of intense ultrasonic activity.
The leakproof housing features super-sealing double O-rings and recessed ventilation. The 304 stainless steel (SS) tank is surrounded by a durable, impact-resistant polypropylene housing. Sealed membrane control panel is impervious to splashes and spills.
Cleaners with heater and mechanical timer provide enhanced cleaning capability—ideal for heat cleaning
The 1-1/2-, 2-1/2-, and 5-1/2- gallon cleaners have a quick-disconnect drain.
The 1/2- and 3/4-gallon cleaners have a pour spout.
Never use ultrasonic cleaners with flammable solvents. A cleaning solution must be used with these cleaners. Use an insert tray or beaker positioning cover and beaker with these ultrasonic cleaners. Ultrasonic acticity is greatest starting about an inch from the bottom of the tank.
Never use ultrasonic cleaners with flammable solvents. A cleaning solution must be used with these cleaners. Use an insert tray or beaker positioning cover and beaker with these ultrasonic cleaners. Ultrasonic acticity is greatest starting about an inch from the bottom of the tank.
What's Included:
a polypropylene lind, integral handles, nonskid feet, and a 7 1/2-ft (2.1 m) power cord (115 VAC models include plug; 230 VAC models do not include plug). Order cleaning solutions separately.
产品规格 |
产品类型 |
超声波清洗机 |
容量(加仑) |
0.75 |
罐体外形尺寸(“L) |
9.5 |
罐体外形尺寸(“W) |
5.5 |
罐体外形尺寸(“H) |
4 |
频率输出(赫兹) |
42000 |
功率(赫兹) |
50/60 |
功率(安培) |
1.1 |
电源(VAC) |
115 |
牌 |
科尔 - 帕默 |
制造商数量 |
CPN-956-216(B2510MT) |
Specifications |
Product Type |
Ultrasonic Cleaner |
Capacity (gal.) |
0.75 |
Tank dimensions (" L) |
9.5 |
Tank dimensions (" W) |
5.5 |
Tank dimensions (" H) |
4 |
Frequency output (Hz) |
42000 |
Power (Hz) |
50/60 |
Power (Amps) |
1.1 |
Power (VAC) |
115 |
Brand |
Cole-Parmer |
Manufacturer number |
CPN-956-216 (B2510MT) |
4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
- 1、技术沟通,初步判断问题电话,与客户进行初步沟通、了解并初步判断仪器所出现的故障问题。
- 2、签订维修协议由我公司向客户发送仪器维修协议,客户需如实填写内容并回传以便我司对仪器做进一步判断。
- 3、客户邮寄仪器客户可按照我司地址邮寄仪器,并将快递单拍照发送至您的专属客服进行备案。
- 4、详细诊断机器故障我司收到邮寄仪器后会对邮寄的仪器进行拍照并开箱检验,对仪器做进一步故障判断。
- 5、支付维修费用如客户仪器在保修期内,我司不收取任何维修费,如客户仪器在保修期外,我司会适当收取维修费。
- 6、邮寄仪器给客户我司将维修好的仪器按客户地址进行拍照并邮寄,自此虽维修协议终止,但我司将提供终身免费答疑及技术指导。
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