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PolyScience 再循环装置; -10至40°C; 240V 0.5马力

PolyScience® Recirculator; -10 to 40°C; 0.5 hp; turbine pump; 240V

  • 市场价: ¥49368.00
  • 销售价: ¥41140.00
  • 节省: ¥8228.00
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PolyScience 再循环装置; -10至40°C; 240V 0.5马力

PolyScience® Recirculator; -10 to 40°C; 0.5 hp; turbine pump; 240V

Handle process temperatures from -10 to 40°C—ideal for many routine process cooling needs

Temperature and pressure/flow readouts

Quiet operation, simple maintenance

High and low temperature alarms

Sealable reservoir

These affordable recirculators provide you with clean, cool or warm water without the scale buildup or the costly waste water disposal normally encountered with single-use tap water systems. A built-in filter cleans circulating fluid. To help optimize cooling efficiency for a particular application, they are available in a wide selection of cooling capacities, compressor sizes, and pump types. 

All feature convenient "one-touch" temperature control and bright extra-large LED readouts which can be read easily—even from across the room—and let you check temperature set point and fluid flow rate and pressure with just a quick touch. An easy-to-use calibration function allows you to adjust the unit’s temperature display to match a traceable temperature standard. Optional interfaces for various control functions, such as remote on/off and remote control, are available; call for details.

For added operational safety, audible and visual alarms that alert you instantly when operating parameters—such as fluid temperature or pressure, flow rate, or ambient temperature—exceed preset limits. User-adjustable high and low temperature limits prevent unauthorized set point changes, plus built-in safeties to alert you to low fluid levels and thermal runaway. The turbine pump models have an internal pressure relief valve that provides adjustable pumping pressure from 20 to 100 psi and a front-panel gauge let you monitor pressure.

The 1/2" NPT(F) inlet/outlet ports allow hookup to a variety of external equipment such as electron microscopes, diffusion pumps, AA furnaces, and mass spectroscopy systems.

Note: Do not use water in recirculator for low temperatures. Requires use of an antifreeze type liquid such as ethylene glycol or silicone. See bath fluids .
What's Included:
male pipe adapters with barbed fittings for 1/2" ID tubing, 10-ft (3 m) of reinforced PVC tubing, and 5-ft (1.5-m)power cord; 120 VAC models also include a three prong plug (240 VAC, 50 Hz models have Euro style plug).


Product Type Circulator (Cooling)
Capacity (Liters) 4.2
Min temperature (º C) -10
Max temperature (º C) 40
Dimensions (" W) 14 3/8
Dimensions (" H) 24
Dimensions (" D) 26 1/2
Temp control PID
Temp stability ±0.5°C
Cooling capacity (at 0° C) 750
Cooling capacity (at 20° C) 1700
Temp setting Pt RTD
Compressor hp 1/2
Wetted materials copper, brass, PVC nylon, polypropylene, and vinyl
Pump type turbine
Refrigerant R-134a
Max pump pressure (psi) 100
Max pump pressure (mbar) 6895
Max flow rate (Liters/min) 13.25 L/min
Power (VAC) 240
Power (Hz) 50
Power (Amps) 8.9
Display 3-digit LED, 1/2"H (0.1°C resolution)






这些实惠的recirculators为您提供干净,凉爽或温暖的水不结垢或昂贵的废水处理通常遇到的一次性使用的自来水系统。内置的过滤器清洗液循环。为特定应用程序,以帮助优化冷却效率,它们都提供了多种选择的冷却能力,压缩机尺寸和类型的泵所有功能,方便的“一触式”的温度控制和明亮的超大LED读数可以轻松读取即使从整个房间,让你检查温度设定点和流体流速和压力只是一个快速的触摸。一个易于使用的校准功能可让您调整单元的温度显示器匹配一个可追踪的温度标准。可选接口的各种控制功能,如远程开/关和远程控制,可来电查询。对于增值业务的安全性,听觉和视觉报警,即时提醒您操作时的参数,如流体的温度或压力,流量,或环境温度超过预设的限制。用户可调的高低温极限,防止未经授权的更改设置点,再加上内置的安全装置,以提醒你流体水平低和热失控。涡轮泵型号有一个内部的泄压阀,提供可调整的泵送压力从20到100 psi压力表和前面板让您监视压力的1/2“NPT(F)入口/出口允许挂接到各种外部设备,如电子显微镜,扩散泵,AA炉和质量光谱系统。注意:不要不使用水再循环装置用于低温。需要使用的防冻型液体,如乙二醇或硅胶。浴液包含什么:男管倒钩接头适配器,1/2“ID管,10英尺(3米),强化的PVC软管,5英尺(1.5米)的电源线,120伏交流机型还包括三孔插头(240 VAC,50 Hz的车型有欧式插头)。


产品类型 循环(冷却)
容量(升) 4.2
最低温度(ºC) -10
最高温度(°C) 40
外形尺寸(W) 14 3/8
尺寸(“H) 24
尺寸(“D) 26 1/2
温度控制 PID
温度稳定性 ±0.5°C
冷却能力(在0℃) 750
冷却容量(20℃时) 1700
温度设定 铂电阻温度传感器
压缩机马力 1/2
接液材料 铜,黄铜,PVC尼龙,聚丙烯,和乙酸乙烯
泵的类型 涡轮
制冷剂 R-134a制冷剂
最大泵压力(PSI) 100
最大泵压力(毫巴) 6895
最大流量(升/分钟) 13.25升/分钟
电源(VAC) 240
功率(赫兹) 50
功率(安培) 8.9
显示 3位LED,1/2“H(分辨率0.1°C)




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联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857


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