Honeywell DC2500E00B0020000000000 温度控制器
IP66和NEMA 4X级面板允许控制器用于冲洗应用
自整定III ™模糊逻辑编程
精确度+ / - 0.25%满量程,16位分辨率
自整定III ™软件与模糊逻辑抑制超调,真正的即插即用和播放的调谐算法调整双工控制的加热和冷却侧
通用电源。供应涵盖90至264 VAC,50/60 Hz,这符合全球标准交流电压的电压范围,
第二 个输入选项提供了第二个线性电压或电流输入。
产品规格 产品类型 温度/过程控制 控制输入(热电偶) 是 控制输入(RTD) 是 控制输出1 继电器触点,SPDT,3A @ 240 VAC 报警输出 无 控制输出 中继 最低温度(ºC) -25 最高温度(°C) 65 最低温度(ºF) -13 最高温度(ºF) 150 显示 双显示PV和SV(过程值和设定值),4位7段 DIN尺寸 1/4“ 面板开孔 (W×H)90×旁边90mm 温度精度 ±0.25%满量程 解析度 0.1°或1°,可选择 准确性 ±0.25%满量程 符合CE认证 是 防护等级 NEMA 4X(IP66) 品牌 霍尼韦尔 型号 DC2500E00B0020000000000 出厂编号 DC2500E00B0020000000000 电源(VAC) 90到264
Next generation of industrial universal digital controllers (UDC)
IP66- and NEMA 4X-rated faceplate allows the controller to be used in washdown applications
Accutune III™ fuzzy logic programming
Accuracy of +/- 0.25% full-scale, 16-bit resolution
Available in 1/4-DIN size
Includes setpoint programing
Includes setpoint programing
These microprocessor-based controllers are the next generation of UDC controllers and offer a high degree of functionality and reliability. Ideal for regulating temperature in a variety of applications including furnaces, ovens, environmental chambers, packaging machinery, plastic processing and more.
Features Diagnostic feature monitors the condition of the thermocouple— to determine whether it’s good, failing, or in danger of imminent failure.
Heater breaker alarm continuously checks the output circuit to ensure the heater has not failed.
Accutune III™ software with fuzzy logic overshoot suppression, and true plug-and-play tuning algorithm to tune both the heat and cool side of a duplex control.
Universal power supply covers voltage range of 90 to 264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, which conforms to the standard AC voltages found worldwide.
Set points that can be configured for either two local setpoints or one local and one remote setpoint. (models 89556-40 thru 89556-43)
PV hot start allows the controller to initialize the local setpoint at the current PV value upon power start up in the event of power loss.
Dual set tuning: configured PID parameters can be selected automatically based upon the PV or SP value.
Second input option provides a second linear voltage or current input.
Dual line LED with the capability of displaying multi-language configuration prompts. A 4 character upper display and a 6 character, 14-segment, alphanumeric lower display.
High/Low Limit Controller (model 89556-44) is designed to provide a safety shut-off and optional alarm. A latched relay output is activated when the process parameter either exceeds or falls below the desired value, providing a fail-safe cutoff which has to be manually reset before the process can continue. Features universal input and is FM approved.
Call our Application Specialists for more information on these products or to special order a controller with other options.
Specifications Product Type Temp/Process control Control input (thermocouple) Yes Control input (RTD) Yes Control output 1 Relay: Contact, SPDT, 3A @ 240 VAC Alarm output None Control output Relay Min temperature (º C) -25 Max temperature (º C) 65 Min temperature (º F) -13 Max temperature (º F) 150 Display Dual display for PV and SV (Process value and set value), 4-digit
7-segment DIN size 1/4" Panel cutout (W X H) 90 X 90mm Temp accuracy ±0.25% full scale Resolution 0.1° or 1°, selectable Accuracy ±0.25% full-scale CE Compliance Yes Enclosure rating NEMA 4X (IP66) Brand Honeywell Model DC2500E00B0020000000000 Manufacturer number DC2500E00B0020000000000 Power (VAC) 90 to 264
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- 2、签订维修协议由我公司向客户发送仪器维修协议,客户需如实填写内容并回传以便我司对仪器做进一步判断。
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- 4、详细诊断机器故障我司收到邮寄仪器后会对邮寄的仪器进行拍照并开箱检验,对仪器做进一步故障判断。
- 5、支付维修费用如客户仪器在保修期内,我司不收取任何维修费,如客户仪器在保修期外,我司会适当收取维修费。
- 6、邮寄仪器给客户我司将维修好的仪器按客户地址进行拍照并邮寄,自此虽维修协议终止,但我司将提供终身免费答疑及技术指导。
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