温度传感器和一个ABS塑料外壳。这家经济实惠,NIST可溯源设备是易腐产品,包括食品和医药品,无论是在存储和在运输过程中的所有类型的监测和记录温度的理想选择。的TransiTempII使用IFC300 USB基座快速的数据下载(单独出售)。该TransiTempII-RH的湿度和温度数据记录器,是理想的用于监视和记录产品储存和运输过程中的温度和湿度。该TransiTempII-RH还采用了的IFC300对接站数据下载(另售),没有外部探头所需的温度和湿度传感器内部的设备来实现其高性能。该TransiTempII-RH的分辨率为0.1%RH,典型精度为±3.5%RH湿度在25℃下 它可以记录每通道高达16,383个读数。冷冻温度是超低的温度数据记录器,可放置在监控温度低至-86°C。外壳设计了一个手柄不易附着,防溅。该设备采用了USB基座与一台个人电脑,通信(USB基座另售)。冷冻温度提供日期和时间戳记的温度读数和使用MADGETECH的数据记录软件。这三个设备都配备了三个状态LED红/绿/黄色指示灯。他们可以通过软件编程,立即启动,开始长达30天的延迟,或开始使用磁开关。
产品规格 产品类型 软件/电缆/模块/接口 符合CE认证 是 出厂编号 IFC300 型号 IFC300
TransiTempII, TransiTempII-RH, and Cryo-Temp
Splash proof
Lanyard attachment
Low cost
User-settable alarms & warnings
Delayed Start
The TransiTempII is a splash proof temperature data logger featuring a highly precise semiconductor
temperature sensor and an ABS plastic enclosure. This affordable, N.I.S.T. traceable device is ideal for monitoring and recording the temperature of all types of perishable products, including food items and pharmaceutical goods, both in storage and in transit. The TransiTempII uses the IFC300 USB docking station for quick data download (sold separately).
The TransiTempII-RH is a humidity and temperature data logger that is ideal for monitoring and recording the temperature and humidity of products during storage and shipping. The TransiTempII-RH also uses the IFC300 docking station for data download (sold separately)
No external probes are required to achieve its high performance as both the temperature and humidity sensors are internal to the device. The TransiTempII-RH has an humidity resolution of 0.1% RH and typical accuracy of ±3.5% RH at 25°C. It can record up to 16,383 readings per channel.
The Cryo-Temp is an ultra low temperature data logger that can be placed in and monitor temperatures as low as –86°C. The enclosure is designed with a handle for easy attachment
and is splash proof. The device utilizes a USB docking station to communicate with a personal computer, (USB docking station sold separately). The Cryo-Temp provides date and time stamped temperature readings and uses the MadgeTech Data Logging Software.
The three devices are equipped with three status LED red/green/yellow indicators. They can be programmed through software to start immediately, delayed start for up to 30 days, or be set to start using the magnetic switch.
Specifications Product Type Software/Cables/Modules/ Interfaces CE Compliance Yes Manufacturer number IFC300 Model IFC300
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