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41580 450ml Bellows Cartridge fits Japanese style grease guns and automatically lubricated robotic assembly and molding equipment designed to be utilized with a collapsible, disposable, plastic bellows cartridge.
Ultra Violet Additive
In those applications where it is important to verify the presence of a complete or continuous film of lubricant on a component where it is difficult to see the coating of grease or oil, Super Lube® is now available with an Ultra Violet tracer that fluoresces under black light. The UV Additive is available in the following product sizes:
41150/UV 400 gram Cartridge
41160/UV 400 gram Canister
41050/UV 5 lb. Pail
41030/UV 30 lb. Pail
Silicone Dielectric and Vacuum UV Grease
91015/UV 400 gram Cartridge
91016/UV 400 gram Canister
91005/UV 5 lb. Pail
91030/UV 30 lb. Pail
51014/UV 7ml. Precision Oiler (bulk)
51004/UV 4 oz. Bottle
51030/UV 1 qt. Bottle
51040/UV 1 gal. Bottle
51050/UV 5 gal. Pail
Super Lube® is now available as a pure Polydimethylsiloxane Silicone Oil for use in applications where compatibility of the rubber compound is not known, in dashpot or dampening applications, and as a general high temperature lubricating oil. It is available in two viscosities:
100 cSt
56104 4 oz. Bottle
56101 1 gal. Bottle
56105 5 gal. Pail
5000 cSt
56504 4 oz. Bottle
56501 1 gal. Bottle
56505 5 gal. Pail
3 oz. Tube Nozzle
The 1/2 oz. tube of Super Lube® Grease offers a built in tapered tip that facilitates the application of grease to a localized area. This feature is now available in the form of an accessory nozzle that replaces the sealing cap on the end of the 3 oz. tube. The nozzle can be cut to size, is reseal able with a snap on cap, and as the tube of grease is exhausted, it is reusable on replacement tubes.
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