For non-destructive moisture evaluation of Roofs and EIFS Building Envelope
For tracing leaks into the waterproofing membrane back to the source
Fast and easy to operate
Instant clear readings
“Hold” function facilitates ease of recording readings
Lightweight hand held and battery operated
它是容易和快速的使用,重量轻,携带,并且可以用一只手来操作。经检测和定位的多余水分的领域RWS可以有很大的好处在追查这个水分回到它的入口点或来源。The RWS has dual operating modes for EIFS and Roofing. Each of these modes has 2 ranges of sensitivity for both deep and low penetration sensitivity, enabling the scanning of Roofing, and EIFS, with a signal penetration ranging from the surface up to approximately 4” (100mm).
The RWS is an electronic hand-held Moisture Scanner and Detector working on the principle of electrical impedance. With impedance measurement, harmless signals are transmitted from the electrodes at the base of the instrument deep into the thickness of the area under test. These signals measure the change in electrical impedance which is translated into a relative moisture content reading and instantly displayed on the clear large analog dial. Readings are instant and continuous. The RWS is also fitted with an audible device which sounds at high readings. The RWS gives vital information necessary to evaluate and carry out moisture assessment on the condition of most fiber reinforced EIFS wall cladding systems, roofing systems such as built up, non-conductive single ply, modified and foam roofing at an affordable cost and without complications.
For EIFS, the RWS has been especially developed to aid in the detection, location and tracing of excess moisture within the weatherproofing coatings or coverings, and deep into the insulation and substrate to detect excess moisture in the sheathing and the wood studding of EIFS systems. For Roofing it will detect interply moisture, excess moisture in the insulation material, and moisture in or on non-conductive roof decks.
It is easy and fast to use, light to carry and can be operated with one hand. Having detected and located the areas of excess moisture the RWS can be of great benefit in tracing this moisture back to its point of ingress or source.
外形尺寸: 4.75“×11”×3“(125毫米x275毫米×75)
重量: 4磅。(1.8公斤)
电源: 一个9伏电池
灵敏度: 四个范围:外墙外保温系统模式与高和低灵敏度高和低灵敏度屋面模式
附件: 皮套,使用伸缩手柄上唯一屋顶
局限性: 屋顶:三元乙丙橡胶,丁基橡胶屋面等导电屋面
外墙外保温系统: 超硬粉刷,电线板条或铁丝网加固完成
RWS检测套装-包含:(1)RWS,(2)专业数字引脚型电阻计瓦特/内置针,(3)手持电极瓦特/ 7“绝缘针,(4)伸缩手柄为RWS屋面上使用只是,(5)模具切割泡沫内衬手提箱带切口的红外温度计,数字温湿度计 MO-952213 价格:20750元
Technical Data
Dimensions: 4.75” x 11” x 3” (125mm x 275mm x 75mm)
Weight: 4 lbs. (1.8kg)
Power Supply: One 9 volt battery
Sensitivity: Four ranges: EIFS Mode with high and low sensitivity Roofing Mode with high and low sensitivity
Accessories: Leather carrying case, Telescopic handle for use on roofing only
Limitations: Roofing: EPDM, Butyl rubber roofing and other conductive roofing
EIFS: Hard Coat Stucco, wire lath or wire mesh reinforced finishes
4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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