烫发杯- 25&10平方厘米 Perm Cup - 25 & 10 cm²
透湿性 Water Vapor Permeability
Perm cups are used to determine the permeability of films to the vapor of water and other liquids. Materials that are tested include paint, varnish, thin plastic films and other types of sheets thin enough to be tightly sealed in place across the face of the cup. Permeability is expressed as the weight of a vaporous material that passes through a specified area and thickness of free film within a specified time interval under controlled conditions.
ASTM方法D 1653 ISO 7783
Gardco彼尔姆杯的设计是完全按照ASTM方法D 1653,它具有下列的特征和优点:
ASTM Method D 1653 ISO 7783
The Gardco Perm Cup is designed to be in complete compliance with ASTM Method D 1653 and has the following characteristics and advantages
The face opening of the cup is 25 square centimeters.
The volume of the cup is 25 milliliters.
Normal test weight of the cup assembly is less than 140 grams.
All cup surfaces are protected by an alodine coating.
Thick gaskets and test samples are now accommodated by eliminating interference between the cap and cup ring restraining pins.
The GARDCO Perm Cup is made up of three basic parts, each machined from the highest grade aluminum. The following sketches show a cross section of these parts and a top view of the clamp ring.
The cup top surface, as well as both surfaces of the clamp ring are smoothly finished to provide a tight seal against the product under test. Two gaskets with the same dimensions as the clamp ring, except for thickness, are furnished for use with rough or uneven materials to insure complete sealing. Extending upward from the face of the cup are two stainless steel pins which closely engage the clamp ring, and any gaskets used, to prevent movement with respect to the test material as the cap is tightened against the cup. The cap design permits use of longer pins than possible with earlier models to accommodate thicker sample and gasket combinations.
使用方法 Method of Use
无论是测试液体或干燥剂置于杯中,这取决于测试的特定条件。试验材料,预切向夹紧环的外部尺寸的试样,放置在杯的顶部表面,用垫片如果需要,对杯子表面密封拧紧帽(用于样品制备见ASTM D- 823和D-4708)。
该组件然后精确称重,并放置在一个指定的受控气氛。定期称重确定体重减轻或增加从蒸汽传输的速率被计算。小为10cm 2杯允许使用一个较小的试样和更少的干燥剂。大约重量88克W / O型垫圈。
Either a test liquid or a desiccant is placed in the cup, depending on the specified conditions of the test. A sample of the test material, precut to the outside dimensions of the clamp ring, is placed on the top surface of the cup, using gaskets if required, and sealed against the cup surface by tightening the cap ( for specimen preparation see ASTM D-823 & D- 4708).
The assembly is then accurately weighed and placed in a specified controlled atmosphere. Periodic weighing determines weight loss or gain from which rate of vapor transmission is calculated. Small 10 cm² cup allows the use of a smaller specimen and less desiccant. Approximate weight 88g w/o gaskets.
Clamp ring detail pictured left.
MO-1653/TG 额外的聚四氟乙烯垫片 50.00
MO-1653/RG 额外的氯丁橡胶垫片 50.00
MO-1652 小彼尔姆杯,10个平方厘米,完成与垫片 2080.00
MO-1652/TG 额外的聚四氟乙烯垫片 50.00
MO-1652/RG 额外的氯丁橡胶垫片 50.00
4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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