IT-550系列红外测温仪 IT-550 Series Infrared Thermometers
Horiba IT-550系列非接触式温度计都配备了双光束标记,使您可以针对您想要的方位快速,准确地测量,并确认一目了然测量点的位置。您可以选择三种模式中的一种作为你理想的温度测量应用。IT-550F是专门为野外使用设计的,IT-550L是为实验室使用设计的。The Horiba IT-550 Series non-contact thermometers are equipped with a twin-beam marker that enables you to target the location that you want to measure quickly and accurately, and to confirm the measurement point at a glance. Choose from one of three models for an ideal match to your temperature measurement application. IT-550F is designed for field use, the IT-550L is for laboratory use, and the IT-550S is for making spot measurements.
The IT-550 Series thermometers are splash-resistant, so they can be safely used with wet hands, and in wet environments and rain. This instrument is ideally suited for monitoring the temperature of food items.
The IT-550 Series thermometers are equipped with a data hold function, and have both digital and analog outputs for connection to computers and printers for flexible data manipulation and output.
Data printout is possible by connecting the expansion kit (sold separately) to the IT-550F model (which is equipped with data hold). The IT-550L and IT-550S units have an analog output that can be used to record data on a data logger or to process data using a personal computer.
型号 IT-550F IT-550L IT-550S
光谱响应: 8〜16μm的
测量温度范围: -50℃至500℃的
显示范围: -55.0到506.0℃(0.1℃) -55〜505℃(1℃)或(分辨率)
精度: ℃的范围内±(读值的10%-2)℃-50.0至-0.1
条件:案例温度18〜28℃,相对湿度55%,ε= 1.00
条件:外壳温度18〜28℃,相对湿度55%,ε= 1.00
重复性: 在±1℃(0-50.0至-0.1℃)
(0.0〜500°C) 0.1℃,显示分辨率:±1℃(-50.0〜-0.1℃)
响应时间: 1.6秒。最大(95%) 0.7秒。最大。(95%)1℃,显示分辨率为
靶面尺寸: Ø24为±3mm /千毫米,(90%的能源限制) ø2.5mm/70毫米
发射率设置: 0.10〜1.00,步长0.01
瞄准: 双点激光打标机
耐水性: IP54(IEC529)
工作时间,工作湿度: 0〜40℃,相对湿度38〜85%,并且没有冷凝
电源: 一个9V干电池(6F22或6LR61),或专用AC适配器
电池寿命: 采用激光打标机连续20小时(碱性电池)
尺寸/重量: 200L点¯x47W点¯x48Hmm(含电池)
功能: 数据存储器(130点)的打印机输出,RS-232C自动关闭,螺丝孔的相机三脚架 模拟输出(0〜1V缩放功能),RS-232C,最大/最小值显示,自动关机,螺丝孔的相机三脚架
储存温度: -20〜55℃无结露
标准配件: 使用说明书,皮套,手带,电池,揭幕战的电池盖
Technical Data
Model IT-550F IT-550L IT-550S
Spectral Response: 8 to 16μm
Measurement Temp Range: -50 To 500 ° C
Display Range: -55.0 To 506.0 ° C (0.1 ° C) -55 to 505°C (1°C) or (resolution)
-5.0 to 505.0°C (0.1°C)
(available in Fahrenheit upon request)
Accuracy: -50.0 to -0.1°C within ±(10% of read value -2)°C
0.0 to 200°C: within ±2°C
200.0 to 500.0°C within ±(1% of read value)°C
Conditions: case temperature 18 to 28°C relative humidity 55%, ε = 1.00
-50.0 to 0.1°C (or -50 to -1°C): within ±(10% of read value -2)°C
0.0 to 200°C (or 0 to 200°C): within ±2°C (or ±2.0°C)
200.0 to 500.0°C (or 20 to 500°C): within ±(1% of read value)°C
Conditions: case temperature 18 to 28°C, relative humidity 55%, ε = 1.00
Repeatability: Within ±1°C (0-50.0 to -0.1°C)
Within ±0.5°C
(0.0 to 500°C) 0.1°C display resolution: Within ±1°C (-50.0 to -0.1°C)
Within ±0.5°C (0.0 to 500°C)
1°C display resolution:
Response Time: 1.6 sec. max (95%) 0.7 sec. max. (95%) 1°C display resolution
1.6 sec. max. (95%) 0.1°C display resolution
Target Size: ø24 ± 3mm / 1000mm, (90% power limit) ø2.5mm / 70 mm
Emissivity Setting: 0.10 to 1.00 in 0.01 steps
Sighting: Two-point laser marker
Water Resistance: IP54 (IEC529)
Operating Time, Humidity: 0 to 40°C, relative humidity 38 to 85%, and no condensation
Power: One 9V dry battery (6F22 or 6LR61), or special-purpose AC adapter
Battery Life: 20 continuous hours using laser marker (alkaline battery)
Dimensions/Weight: 200L x 47W x 48Hmm (battery included)
Functions: Data memory (130 points) printer output, RS-232C auto off, screw hole for camera tripod Analog output (0 to 1V scaling function), RS-232C, Max/Min value display, auto off, screw hole for camera tripod
Storage Temperature: -20 to 55°C no condensation
Standard Accessories: Instruction manual, Carry case, hand strap, battery, opener for the battery lid
4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
- 1、技术沟通,初步判断问题电话,与客户进行初步沟通、了解并初步判断仪器所出现的故障问题。
- 2、签订维修协议由我公司向客户发送仪器维修协议,客户需如实填写内容并回传以便我司对仪器做进一步判断。
- 3、客户邮寄仪器客户可按照我司地址邮寄仪器,并将快递单拍照发送至您的专属客服进行备案。
- 4、详细诊断机器故障我司收到邮寄仪器后会对邮寄的仪器进行拍照并开箱检验,对仪器做进一步故障判断。
- 5、支付维修费用如客户仪器在保修期内,我司不收取任何维修费,如客户仪器在保修期外,我司会适当收取维修费。
- 6、邮寄仪器给客户我司将维修好的仪器按客户地址进行拍照并邮寄,自此虽维修协议终止,但我司将提供终身免费答疑及技术指导。
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