这些无油真空泵设有含氟聚合物树脂的头和的Kalrez 树脂阀用于处理侵略性腐蚀性而不会损坏泵。该泵可用于干燥凝胶,真空浓缩,真空烤箱,蒸馏和旋转蒸发设备。该全氟醚橡胶树脂多端口阀忍受偶尔的液体摄入,无破损,真空性能下降。含氟聚合物树脂头不剥离或腐蚀时,接触到大多数溶剂。
单级泵非常适合温和真空应用。两阶段10L /分钟。泵非常适合需要低流速小的真空作业。两阶段20L /分钟。泵是理想的低(35至60℃)蒸馏和介质(60至80℃)的BP的溶剂。泵26678-016和14224-134对于介质(60至80℃)和高(80〜110℃)的BP的溶剂的蒸馏是有用的。深真空泵26678-020和14224-136设计用于回流下反应和用于蒸馏难以蒸发溶剂,例如水和高(> 110℃)的BP的溶剂。
规格为KNF Neuberger的泵真空Labprt 65L-68TORR N84012FTP230:流速,升/分。 (CFM):65(2.3)真空,托(汞柱):68(27.2)
These oil-free vacuum pumps feature fluoropolymer resin heads and Kalrez* resin valves for handling aggressive corrosives without the risk of damaging the pump. The pumps can be used with gel drying, vacuum concentration, vacuum ovens, distillation, and rotary evaporation equipment. The Kalrez resin multi-port valves tolerate ingestion of occasional liquids without damage or degradation of vacuum performance. The fluoropolymer resin heads do not peel or corrode when exposed to most solvents.
Single-stage pumps are ideal for moderate vacuum applications. Two-stage 10L/min. pumps are ideal for small vacuum jobs that require a low flow rate. Two-stage 20L/min. pumps are ideal for the distillation of low (35 to 60°C) and medium (60 to 80°C) BP solvents. Pumps 26678-016 and 14224-134 are useful for the distillation of medium (60 to 80°C) and high (80 to 110°C) BP solvents. Deep vacuum pumps 26678-020 and 14224-136 are designed for reflux reactions and for distilling difficult-to-evaporate solvents such as water and high (>110°C) BP solvents.
Parallel head pumps 26678-024 and 14224-138 are ideal for high-flow vacuum for large scale distillation of low BP solvents (35 to 60°C).
The 400mL dry ice trap (26678-056) has a glass body and a Plexiglas®* lid. It is recommended as a pre-trap to collect liquids and reduce processing time when used with pumps in rotary evaporation, distillation, gel drying, vacuum concentration, and vacuum ovens. For maximum efficiency, the dry ice trap should be placed before the pump.
Specifications for KNF Neuberger Pump Vacuum Labprt 65L-68TORR N84012FTP230:Flow Rate,L/min. (cfm):65 (2.3)Vacuum, Torr(in. Hg):68 (27.2) Dimensions, L x W x H, cm (in.):33 x 17 x 22 (13 x 611/16 x 811/16) Electrical:230V, 50HzShip Wt.,kg (lbs.):12.2 (26.9) KNF Neuberger No.:N84012FTP230Unit:Each(Please note that the description and stock photo may not correspond to the specific model listed above)
For a complete list of products offered by KNF Neuberger please visit our KNF Neuberger page. Don't forget to check out the extensive collection of KNF Neuberger Laboratory vacuum pumps and a wide array of Laboratory vacuum pumps from other quality brands. We offer FREE SHIPPING on most products over the value of $49.95. You may reach us by phone, email or live chat! We have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to ensure that every laboratory product you receive is exactly what you are looking for! Contact us TODAY! Filling out our RFQ is very simple and we are more than happy to have the opportunity to work with your procurement department to get the best quote for any particular product you have in mind.
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