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Konus Trinocular Biorex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope 5605

Konus Trinocular Biorex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope 5605

  • 市场价: ¥7919.88
  • 销售价: ¥6599.90
  • 节省: ¥1319.98
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Konus Trinocular Biorex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope 5605 Konus Biorex 3 Biological Trinocular 1000x Microscope 5605 has a 360 revolving trinocular head. Konus Microscope-5605 is supplied with a dioptric compensation, as well as with coarse and fine focus adjustment: coaxial bilateral knob and macro-micrometrical like many other Konus Microscopes. Konus 5605 Biorex3 Microscope for biological studies comes with two wide field eyepieces 10x-18mm. Four achromatic objectives DIN 4x, 10x, 40xr, 100xs (immersion) of this Biorex-3 Binocular Microscope5605 by Konus will give you a choice to choose. Magnification of Konus Bio Rex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope ranges from 40x to 1000x. Konus Bio-Rex3 Micro Scope has a movable stage with micrometrical regulation, abbe condenser (NA 1.22) with blue filter and dust cover

Features and Specifications of Konus Biorex 3 1000x Biological Microscope 5605:

  • 360° revolving trinocular head;
  • WF 10x18 High Point eyepiece paired
  • Quadruple nosepiece
  • Metal Stand with coarse and fine coaxial adjustment ;
  • Achromatic objectives DIN 4x, 10x, 40x, 100xs
  • 132x140mm built in mechanical stage
  • NA 1.22/0.24 swing out achromatic condenser
  • Built in illuminator 90-240V with 6v/20v halogen bulb
  • Adjustment of brightness
  • Blue filter
  • Anti-dust cover

Package Contents:

  • Konus Biorex 3 1000X Biological Binocular Microscope #5605
Konus Microscope Accessories
Konus Microscopes
Konus Microscope Accessories
Konus Biorex 2 Biological Binocular 1000x Microscope 5601 Konus Photo Adapter 5123;
Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus Wide Field Biorex Microscope Eyepieces;
Konus Achromatic Objective;
Konus Spare Halogen Bulb 6V/20W;
Konus Wooden Box w/ Lock 5634;
Konus C-Thread Video Adapter 5635;
Konus Microscope Photo Adapter with Photo Eyepiece 5637;
Konus Dark Field Condenser;
Konus T-2 Rings for SLR 35 mm Cameras Konus Academy Biological Monocular 1000x Microscope 5304 Konus Photo Adapter-5123;
Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus H-10 Micrometric Eyepiece 5350;
Konus 15x Microscope Eyepiece 5115;
Konus Microscope Polarizing Set 5129;
Konus 10 x Achromatic Objective 5252;
Konus 40 x Achromatic Objective 5255;
Konus 100 x Achromatic Objective 5258; Konus Campus 1000x Biological Microscope - 5306 Konus Photo Adapter 5123;
Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus H-10 Micrometric Eyepiece 5350;
Konus 15x Microscope Eyepiece 5115;
Konus Microscope Polarizing Set 5129;
Konus 40 x Achromatic Objective 5255;
Konus 10 x Achromatic Objective 5252;
Konus 100 x Achromatic Objective 5258;
Konus College 600X Biological Microscope - 5302 Konus Photo Adapter 5123;
Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus H-10 Micrometric Eyepiece 5350; Konus Crystal-Pro 7x-45x Stereoscopical Trinocular Microscope 5424 Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus 2x Microscope Objective Zoom Stereo 5403;
Konus Microscope Photo Adapter Zoom Stereo 5404;
Konus Microscope Incidental Light Illuminator 120V 5484;
Konus Microscope Direct Light Illuminator 120V 5483;
Konus T-2 Rings for SLR 35 mm Cameras;
Konus Digital Microscope Camera with USB 5829 Konus Diamond Stereoscopical 20x-40x Binocular Microscope 5420 Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus Microscope Photo Adapter 5124;
Konus Microscope Dark Field for Gemmology 5138;
Konus Microscope Eyepieces 20x 15x 5x;
Konus Digital Microscope Camera with USB 5829 Konus Opal 20x Stereoscopical Microscope 5418 Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus Microscope Photo Adapter 5124;
Konus Microscope Objective;
Konus Microscope Eyepieces 20x 15x 5x;
Konus Digital Microscope Camera with USB 5829 Konus Delta Microscope 20x Stereoscopical 5031 Konus Digital Microscopes Camera with USB 5829;
Konus Microscope Photo Adapter 5124;
Konus Microscope Objective;
Konus Microscope Eyepieces 20x 15x 5x;
Konus Illuminated Microscope Base 5475;
Konus Digital Microscope Camera with USB 5829 Konus 300x Konuspix Digital Microscope Web Camera & PC Link (USB) 5022 Konus Prepared Slides for Konus Microscopes Konus Educational Konuslab 100x~1200x Didactical Biological Microscope 2018 Konus Prepared Slides for Konus Microscopes Konus Konustudy-3 100x~1200x Biological Educational Didactical Microscope 2019 Konus Prepared Slides for Konus Microscopes Konus Konusfirst 600x Biological Didactical Educational Microscope 5015 Konus Prepared Slides for Konus Microscopes International Shipping Limitations Due to the weight and size of this product, no USPS international shipping options are available for this item including all APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Please choose UPS Worldwide Express, UPS Worldwide Expedited, UPS Worldwide Saver or UPS Standard to Canada for international delivery. If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us or refer to our Shipping Policy for more information. Nano电子商城-亚太领先的MRO产品资讯平台! Nano电子商城还为您提供专业的技术支持和具有竞争力的价格,请您放心购买! Nano电子商城声明: 因Konus会在没有任何提前通知的情况下更改Konus Trinocular Biorex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope 5605包装、产地或者一些附件,Nano电子商城不能确保客户收到的Konus Trinocular Biorex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope 5605与Nano电子商城网站Konus Trinocular Biorex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope 5605图片、产地、附件说明完全一致。只能确保Konus Trinocular Biorex 3 Biological 1000x Microscope 5605为原厂正品!若本网站没有及时更新,敬请谅解!




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