The Konus Diamond Stereoscopical 20x-40x Binocular Microscope 5420 is a quality microscope with a 20x-40x magnification and dual illumination. This Konus Microscope features a binocular head that is 45° inclined for easy viewing, 10x eyepieces, and two achromatic 2x and 4x objectives. Konus also provided the Konus Diamond-5420 Stereoscopical Microscope with a double illumination of incidental and transmitted light with halogen bulb 12V/10W. In addition, the Konus Stereoscopical Microscope 5420 has an inter-pupillary distance regulation, dioptrical adjustment ±5, a transparent double specimen-holder disc, and an antidust cover. These features of the Konus Diamond 5420 Microscope make it an excellent performing stereoscopic microscope that can be used for many applications.
The Konus Diamond Stereoscopical 20x-40x Binocular Microscope 5420 European Version is also available in a 120V American model, Konus Diamond 20x - 40x Stereoscopical Microscope - 5450.
Features of Konus Diamond Stereoscopical 20x-40x Binocular Microscope 5420:- Binocular head 45 dgrees inclined
- 10x Eyepieces
- Two achromatic 2x and 4x objectives
- Inter-pupillary distance regulation and dioptric regulation (+/-5)
- Precision regulation of focusing
- Double regulable illumination
- Incidental and transmitted light, illumination with halogen bulb of 12V/10W
- Antidust cover
- Konus Diamond Stereoscopical 20x-40x Binocular Microscope 5420
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联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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