Konus Academy Biological Monocular 1000x Microscopes come in the following models: Konus Microscope 5325 with Adapter for U.S.A. Plug, Konus Microscope 5304 with Adapter for European Plug. The Konus Academy Biological Microscope has a 360° revolving monocular head. Focal length of this Konus Microscope equals to 160mm and Konus Biological 1000x Microscope is supplied with 10x WF eyepiece and four achromatic objectives: 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. Konus made this Academy Monocular Microscope with double focusing regulation, micrometrical and macrometrical. This Konus Microscope is supplied with a movable stage with micrometric movements. Light intensity regulation is also provided in Konus Biological Monocular Microscope. Konus Monocular Academy Microscope has a transmitted light illumination with A.N. 1.2 condenser, with iris diaphragm and filter-holder, halogen bulb, 12V/12W, antidust cover.
Features and Specifications of Konus Academy 1000x Biological Microscope:- Monocular head turnable of 360°
- Focal length 160
- Eyepiece 10x W.A. and four achromatic objectives of 4x, 10x, 40x and 100x
- Double focusing regulation, macrometrical and micrometrical
- Movable stage with micrometric movement
- Light intensity regulation
- Transmitted light illuminator with A.N. condenser 1.2
- Iris diaphragm and filter holder
- Halogen bulb 2V/10W
- Dust cover
- Konus Academy 1000X Biological Microscope 5304
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联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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