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Certonal FC-742是透明的,低粘度的表面改性剂含氟聚合物涂层,是一种氢氟醚溶剂。

  • 商品编号:CERTONAL FC-742
  • 货  号:CERTONAL FC-742
  • 品  牌:其他( )
  • 所得积分:230
  • 市场价: ¥27600.00
  • 销售价: ¥23000.00
  • 节省: ¥4600.00
app hook

The solvent is non-flammable, has low toxicity and provides acceptable environmental properties for today's demanding electronic applications. When applied to clean, moisture-free surfaces such as copper, aluminium, ceramic, steel, tin or glass, Certonal FC-742 dries to a thin transparent film with excellent anti-wetting, anti-stiction, anti-migration, and anti-corrosion properties required in many diverse applications. Certonal FC-742 will form a clear, nearly invisible, uniform film that is insoluble in solvents such as heptane, toluene and water. The polymer covalently bonds to glass and metal oxide layers. These films can endure up to 175°C for prolonged periods and maintain good repellency.

The low surface energy films cast from Certonal FC-742 have excellent repellency to hydrocarbon oils, silicone oils, synthetic fluids and aqueous solutions. With a surface energy of 11-12 dynes/cm, Certonal FC-742 films compare favourably to coatings of polyethylene and polytetrafluoroethylene, which have surface energy values of approximately 31 and 18 dynes/cm respectively. This property enables non-solubilising solvents such as heptane, toluene and water as well as liquids having low surface tension values such as lubricating oils, silicones etc. to bead and drain freely from surfaces coated with Certonal FC-742 while leaving the film intact. FC-742 coating exhibits many of the practical characteristics desired in a coating system, as seen below, making it especially well-suited for many applications.

Certonal FC-742 is an extremely stable surface modifier fluoropolymer rich in carbon-fluorine bonds. Carbon-fluorine bonds give the coating it's stable characteristics. The dry film is both oleophobic and hydrophobic. As the surface energy is so low, in comparison to coatings based on polyethylene and PTFE, many materials with low surface tension characteristics, such as silicone oils and lubricating oils, bead and drain freely from a Certonal FC-742 coated surface. The low surface energy of the coating also helps to prevent solid materials adhering to the surface.

Certonal FC-742 can be used as an anti-migration barrier to prevent lubricant materials migrating from critical wear components in gyroscopes, precision bearings, MEMS spindles and similar mechanical, critical wear devices.

The application of Certonal FC-742 should be carried out in a controlled manner to maintain careful management of the solids content. Acota provide a range of equipment designed for controlled application of Certonal FC-742. The equipment applies the material by dip application, which maintains consistent solids content, thus ensuring uniform dry film application. Acota systems are designed to ensure that the coated products emerge dry from the system and all solvent is recovered which in turn helps to maintain a consistent solids content.

Property Value
Solids content by weight (% in solution) 2%
Specific gravity of fluid at 25°C ~1.5
Solvent Highly fluorinated liquid
Flash point None
Thermal stability of dry film Stable to 175°C
Viscosity 0.58 cps
Refractive Index 1.39
Surface Energy of dry film (dynes/cm) 11月12日
Approximate dry film thickness ~ 1.0 micron
Dielectric strength (25°C, 30% RH 500v/s) 1.2 Kv / 25.4 microns
Coverage per kg 12m2
Tg of dried film -66°C
Continuous operating temperature range -65°C to +175°C
Flammability of dry film Self-extinguishing UL94V(0)
Thermal shock per Mil-I-46058c Pass
Ease of application Excellent
Diluent / chemical FC-736
Ease of cure / dry For best results the coating should be thermally cured
Application method Dipping is preferred but spray and brush application work well
Environmental Low in toxicity, non-flammable.

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非会员顾客 说: 19-02-21 11:13
管理员[Nano004]  回复: 19-02-21 19:20
非会员顾客 说: 16-05-31 17:09
CERTONAL FC-742 Certonal FC-742是透明的,低粘度的表面改性剂含氟聚合物涂层,是一种氢氟醚溶剂。 商品编号:CERTONAL FC-742货  号:CERTONAL FC-742品  牌:Acota 我處需求此款膠水,如何購買。請提供聯繫方式。
管理员[Nano004]  回复: 16-06-18 13:13


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