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TSI 8130自动滤料检测仪 原版说明书

下载次数:152 浏览次数:816发布时间:2015-11-16 16:18
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For more than 15 years filter manufacturers around the globe have relied

on TSI’s CertiTest® Automated Filter Testers (AFTs) for testing particulate

respirator filters, disposable filtering face pieces and a wide assortment of filter

media. In fact, the Models 8127 and 8130 can be used to comply with

the following standards and more:

+ US 42 CFR 84

+ EN 143 and related standards

+ JMOL (Japanese respirator standard)

TSI’s Automated Filter Testers Models 8127 and 8130 have proven

track records of durability, reliability, and minimal maintenance,

meeting the demanding requirements of manufacturing and quality

control environments. Whether you are looking for a stand-alone

tester to check a few filters per day or need to integrate your tester

in an automated, high-volume production line, CertiTest AFTs are up

to the challenge. Specially designed aerosol generators and laser

photometers enable highly repeatable and reproducible

filter-efficiency measurements. In addition, the Models 8127 and

8130 feature a high degree of automation and self-diagnostics

that greatly simplifies operation, increases throughput, and

improves overall measurement performance. As a result, TSI filter

testers are ideally suited for QC testing.


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