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TSI 3160计数扫描法空气过滤滤料检测仪 原版说明书

下载次数:81 浏览次数:385发布时间:2015-11-16 16:41
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The Model 3160 uses a bank of atomizers and the TSI

Electrostatic Classifi er to challenge a fi lter or fi lter media

with known-size, monodisperse particles. Two Condensation

Particle Counters (CPCs) simultaneously count the upstream

and downstream particles and computer software calculates

the penetration value. Filters can be sequentially challenged

with up to 20 diff erent monodisperse particle sizes in the range

from 15 to 800 nm. The penetration value for each particle size

is calculated. At the end of a test, the 3160 generates a curve

of penetration vs. particle size and produces a summary of test

results, including the most penetrating particle size (MPPS).

Test results can be automatically saved in a Microsoft Access®

data base and exported into Microsoft Excel®.

Model 3160 complies with EN 1822 parts 3 and 5 and provides

the most complete information on fi lter penetration available

from any fi lter tester. You’ll fi nd it invaluable for product

development and quality control.


Automated Filter Tester

Specify Description

3160 Automated Filter Tester (115V, 60 Hz)

3160-1 Automated Filter Tester (230V, 50 Hz)

Automated Filter Tester

Specify Description

8134-xx Custom filter holders for Model 3160

813010 Standard test media, 50 sheets

8107 External adapter for filter cartridges

Service and Support

+ Field Installation and Training (subject to location)

+ Service Contracts

+ Field Service (contact your TSI representative for more details)


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