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TSI 379020/379030旋转盘式稀释器 原版说明书

下载次数:76 浏览次数:700发布时间:2015-11-16 16:45
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TSI Rotating Disk Thermodiluter is highly regarded in the field

of particle emission measurement. It is especially suited for

sampling, diluting, and conditioning exhaust particles from

diesel- and spark-ignition engines, as well as performing stack

emission studies. The Model 379020A features a separate diluter

head and control unit that effectively dilutes the sample at the

source (tailpipe, CVS tunnel, or stack) in order to preserve it for

accurate measurement. Additional features of the rotating

disk diluter include:

+ Adjustable dilution ratio with no tools or recalibration required

+ Accurate dilution over two full decades

+ Built-in heater with selectable temperatures to avoid measurement

of condensed volatile materials

+ Rotating disk that is easy to clean and maintain

+ Robust disk coatings to reduce wear and improve lifetime

+ Replaceable disks now available for added convenience and to

reduced maintenance downtime

+ Improved design to simplify operation and to increase durability

TSI’s Model 379020A uses a unique, rotating disk method to dilute

a sample for measurement. Each unit is supplied with two disks:

one with eight cavities and the other with ten cavities. This allows

you to select a dilution ratio from 15:1 to 3000:1. As shown in Figure

1, the raw, undiluted exhaust emissions are sampled at a rate of

approximately 1.0 L/min. A portion of the raw exhaust is captured by

each cavity of the rotating disk and transported to the measurement

channel where it is mixed with HEPA-filtered, particle-free dilution

air. The dilution ratio is a linear function of the disk calibration factor

(corresponding cavity volume and number of cavities per disk), the

rotation frequency and the flow rate of the dilution air:


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