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TSI 3480-ES电喷气溶胶发生器 原版说明书

下载次数:79 浏览次数:397发布时间:2015-11-16 16:50
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method of generating 3-nanometer particles is now

available from TSI. The Model 3480 Electrospray

Aerosol Generator produces stable, monodisperse, submicrometer

aerosol in the range from less than 3 to

greater than 100 nanometers. It achieves such small

diameters by moving a conductive liquid solution or

suspension through a capillary and applying an electrical

field to the liquid at the capillary tip. The electrical

field draws the liquid from the tip into a conical jet

from which ultrafine charged droplets are emitted. Air

and CO2 are merged with the droplets, and the liquid

evaporates while the charge is neutralized by an ionizer.

The result is a neutralized, monodisperse aerosol

that is practically free of solvent residue.



The successful use of the electrospray method to

generate monodisperse aerosol has been documented in

many publications. Although the basic principles are

well understood, many of the fine details explaining

how different operating parameters affect the electrospray

method remain to be discovered. Known applications

for this instrument include:

• Instrument calibration

• Studies of nano-aerosols

• Deposition of nanoparticles onto surfaces

• Aerosol analysis in the macromolecular and submicrometer


• Dispersion of nanometer-sized powders for research


• Research involving parameters that influence the

electrospray process


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