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TSI 3433-SSPS小规模粉末扩散器 原版说明书

下载次数:94 浏览次数:261发布时间:2015-11-16 16:53
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TSI’s Small-Scale Powder Disperser Model 3433 is used mainly for powder

sizing. The operator gently brushes the powder to be dispersed across one

of three annular rings of abrasive paper glued to the top of a turntable.

One end of a stainless-steel capillary is positioned just above the turntable,

the other in a venturi throat. A suction transmitted through the capillary

tube removes the powder from the surface of the turntable. Because the

air velocity in the venturi throat greatly exceeds that in the capillary tube,

shear forces are created where the two flows meet, causing the powder to

deagglomerate. The powder then enters an expansion cone, from which it

exhausts from the unit.


+ Generating aerosol for introducing powder into particle

sizing systems such as TSI ‘s Aerodynamic

Particle Sizer® (APS™) Spectrometer Model 3321

+ Dispersing dry polystyrene latex spheres (PSLs) for

use in calibrating measurement instruments

+ Redispersing airborne material collected on 25 and

37 mm diameter membrane filters used in

environmental monitoring

+ Inhalation toxicology studies, particularly in the

pharmaceutical industry

Features and Benefits

+ Deagglomerates most dry particles in the range from

0.5 to 50 μm

+ Selection of turntables available to meet specific

dispersion needs

+ Use as an APS spectrometer accessory for

particle-size-distribution measurements


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