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TSI 3070A-EAD静电气溶胶检测仪 原版说明书

下载次数:58 浏览次数:271发布时间:2015-11-16 16:56
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The Model 3070A Electrical

Aerosol Detector (EAD) is a novel

particle instrument that complements

TSI’s family of Condensation

Particle Counters (CPCs).

It is a robust, low-cost, easy-to-use

instrument that operates continuously

and provides very fast measurements.

Like a CPC, the EAD

measures particle concentration as

a function of time. It differs in

that it measures a parameter called aerosol

diameter concentration, a property of ultrafine

aerosol particles that is promising for correlating

with their adverse health effects.

The EAD is a unique instrument that offers

a number of exciting features:

• Submicrometer particle measurements – in

the range from 10 nanometers to greater than

1 micrometer

• High time resolution – maximum data rate of

3.75 readings per second allows the EAD to

detect fast-changing events and study aerosol


• Mean diameter of aerosol (when combined with

a CPC) – calculated using the diameter concentration

measured by the EAD divided by the

number concentration from the CPC

DMean = (EADdiameter/CPCnumber)

• Wide dynamic range – measures over 5 decades

of concentration range (0.01 to 2500 mm/cm3)

without the need for coincidence correction or

aerosol dilution

• Robustness and ease-of-use – both characteristics

are critical for continuous, routine


• No working fluid – allows easy transport and

eliminates the need to drain a reservoir

• No consumables – translates to a low cost of


• Unmatched reproducibility – readings of two

co-located EADs during a six-month field trial

were within ±1 percent (see figure on next page)


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