Uniform particle creation is critical for successful aerosol research. Controlled experiments
and proper instrument calibration require a generation source that guarantees production
of uniform, monodisperse particles. The Vibrating Orifice Aerosol Generator Model 3450
(VOAG ) produces solid or liquid aerosols from a wide variety of solutions. It creates aerosol
particles that are uniform in size, density, shape, and surface characteristics. The VOAG ’s
integrated design makes it easy to start up and adjust. Liquid flow, dispersion air, dilution
air, and oscillation frequency can be conveniently monitored and controlled from the front
panel. Because the generation head, syringe pump, and signal generator are contained in
one package, the VOAG provides all the data necessary to calculate final particle diameter
+ G enerates particles from 1 to 200 μm
+ Particles are uniform in size, shape, density and
surface characteristics
+ Works with a variety of solutes and solvents
The VOAG ’s consistency and accuracy make it an effective aerosol
generation standard for a variety of applications. It is especially suited to
controlled experiments where airborne particle size must be known and
within a narrow range. Typical applications include:
+ Generation of micrometer particles of known size from any material
that can be put into solution with a volatile solvent
+ Transport, deposition, collection, charging, and dispersion of aerosols
related to aerosol research and health-effects studies
+ Evaporation studies
+ Pharmaceutical formulation testing
+ Calibration of optical particle counters, particle sizers, cascade
impactors, cyclones, and impingers
+ Development and testing of equipment such as baghouse filters,
cyclones, scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators
+ Instrument performance studies involving the measurement of design
parameter effectiveness as a function of particle characteristics
+ Monodisperse aerosol generation