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德国Topas HDS-561动态气溶胶稀释器原版资料

下载次数:211 浏览次数:1038发布时间:2015-11-28 17:42
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For a certain dilution ratio the appropriate number of particles is removed from the aerosol without occurring a change in the particle size distribution. The dilution system HDS 561 is flexible to use and can be utilised in combination with different particle counters. It is designed for a specific volume flow from 

2.8 l/min to 100 l/min. The flow rate is adjusted and fixed for each device. The range of adjustment of the dilution ratio depends on the current total volume flow. For example, for a volume flow of 100 l/min dilution factors from 1,500 to 100,000 can be adjusted. The pressure loss of the system is very low because of the use of active components. The adjusted dilution factor is shown on the display. 

Aerosol distribution (DEHS) after dilution with the High Dilution System HDS 561 (V= 10,000 to 100,000), compared with cascaded Dilution Systems series DIL (V=100,000) 

Technical Data 

Dilution Factor Adjustable 

100 … 100,000 

Pressure Loss 100 ... 400 Pa, dependent 

on desired range of the 

dilution factor 

Volume Flow   Factory-adaptable  

2.8 ... 100 l/min 

Filter grade HEPA 

PC Interface USB 

Power supply 115 .. 230 V AC 

Dimensions   300 x 200 x 130 mm 

(W x H x D) 

Weight 2.5 kg 

The diagram shows the aerosol distributions after dilution with HDS 561 compared with an aerosol distribution of the same aerosol diluted by cascaded single dilution systems series DIL 550 (2 x 1:100, 1 x 1:10). 

Furthermore the diagram shows aerosol distributions of the same aerosol diluted with different applied dilution ratios (1:10,000 – 1:100,000) at High Dilution System HDS 561.  

In both cases the distribution is the same for the single-stage dilution and the multi-stage dilution with standard dilution systems respectively. That is an important precondition for precise measurements of aerosol distributions with the aid of the High Dilution System HDS 561.


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