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Iris Sample Processing CS12 CS22 细胞涂片离心机原版资料

2. 密封程度好,无气雾弥漫;性能稳定,噪音极低;3. 离心头密封盖可高压高温消毒,更保安全;
下载次数:265 浏览次数:861发布时间:2015-12-13 16:59
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1. 加速度稳定,转速200/min-2000/min;

2. 密封程度好,无气雾弥漫;性能稳定,噪音极低;

3. 离心头密封盖可高压高温消毒,更保安全;

4. 无需特别培训;

5. 高度保护,防细胞流失破损,可靠性高,可重复性强;

6. 整个过程只需5-10分钟,每次可处理样本12-96份(视所用漏斗而定);

7. 有声音提示及报警,包括:盖子锁定提示、速度控制提示、仪器失平衡报警、标本不当报警; 

8. 外型美观,体积巧小;便携式,可到床边进行操作;

9. 内置减速系统,能缩短取样时间;

10. 所有针吸细胞及以液体为基础的细胞混悬液(包括体液、冲洗液、脱落细胞检查)均适用; 

Multipurpose and Application Specific Centrifuges细胞离心涂片机


StatSpin MP Multipurpose Centrifuge

StatSpin MP Centrifuge with 2 x 1.5 ml tube rotor (RT12), 12-place hematocrit rotor (RH12) and circular tube reader, universal power supply and start-up supply of PlasmaRotors and other consumables. Supplied with US power cord.                                 For 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz. UL Listed and CE Marked.


CritSpin® Microhematocrit Centrifuge (w/ Digital Hematocrit Reader)

CritSpinMicrohematocrit Centrifuge with 12-place covered rotor, and illuminating digital microhematocrit tube reader, universal power supply and start-up supply of tubes and sealing clay. Supplied with US power cord.   For 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz.


CritSpinMicrohematocrit Centrifuge (w/ circular and card-style tube readers)

CritSpinMicrohematocrit Centrifuge with 12-place covered rotor, circular and card-style tube readers, universal power supply and start-up supply of tubes and sealing clay. Supplied with US power cord. For 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz.  

UL Listed and CE Marked.


Cytocentrifuge System 细胞离心系统


StatSpinCytoFuge® 2 Cytocentrifuge

CytoFuge 2 compact cytocentrifuge including leak resistant 4-place rotor with transparent lid (CFRT-2), universal power supply, reusable accessories and samples of consumable products.                                                                                                                          

For 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz. UL Listed and CE Marked.


StatSpinCytoFuge® 12 Cytocentrifuge

CytoFuge 12 compact cytocentrifuge including removable sealed autoclavable                        

12-place rotor with transparent lid , universal power supply, reusable accessories and samples of consumable products.                                                   For 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz. UL Listed and CE Marked.


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