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Aero AL4021德国Aero AL4021甲醛分析仪、连续在线甲醛分析仪原版资料

下载次数:295 浏览次数:990发布时间:2016-04-20 17:41
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The Aero-Laser formaldehyde monitor AL4021 is an extremely sensitive chemical analyzer based on the Hantzsch ,

(acetyl acetone) reaction [1]. It features the detection of formaldehyde down to lowest concentrations of 100ppt -

(parts per trillion) for gaseous samples, and 150ng/liter (eq. 2×10 molar) for liquid samples, respectively. The -9

complete chemical processing, including gas stripping, is integrated into the instrument. Using a fluorimetric

detection method, the instrument achieves an extraordinary selectivity, avoiding interferences of other chemical

substances in the sample gas or liquid.

The AL4021 can be calibrated semi-automatically using liquid formaldehyde standards or automatically using an by ,

optional integrated standard gas generator based on a permeation tube. Contrary to other highly sensitive ,

formaldehyde monitoring methods, the instrument has a delay time of only a few minutes and a time resolution o 90 f


Originally designed for environmental and climate research, the AL4021 became a major instrument in the field of

formaldehyde emission monitoring of products based on wood, plastic or fibres, within the last years. The control s

of formaldehyde emissions is currently a main industrial issue; producers have the obligation to get certificates for

their products several times a year. The A 4021 can be employed with several emission test chambers L

simultaneously. One instrument can read the emission from up to 1 seperate chambers when connected via an 6

valve (optional). controller

[1] T. Nash, The colorimetric estimation of formaldehyde by means of the Hantzsch reaction, Biochem. J. 55 (1953) 416


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