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Palas HMT1000油雾分离器产品ppt

可加热液滴发生器 (PLG-2100);可加热气溶胶稀释器 (KHG-2010) 两级串联至100倍稀释比;可加热气溶胶粒径谱仪 (Welas®-1000 或 Welas®-3000);电晕静电中和器
下载次数:313 浏览次数:633发布时间:2016-05-27 14:21
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可加热液滴发生器 (PLG-2100);可加热气溶胶稀释器 (KHG-2010) 两级串联至100倍稀释比;可加热气溶胶粒径谱仪 (Welas®-1000 或 Welas®-3000);电晕静电中和器 (CD-2000);可加热密封舱及温度控制器单元;基于Window的系统自动控制软件

Especially for testing oil mist separators with a hot motor oil the whole measurement chain must setup to isothermal conditions to avoid condensation or evaporation effects.

•Clearly defined components of particle measurement technology and the proof of their function make it possible to test oil separators quickly, reliably and under real-life conditions, e.g. isothermaland isobaric.

•The described test method of Palas® allows the user to compare several oil separators and also to optimise them.

•The compact construction of the test rig guarantees high mobility. Thus it is possible to measure directly at the engine of a car. In order to do this, the tube is led from the test system to the engine, not to the aerosol generator.

•Further the single components like heatabledilution system and heatablemeasurement device can be easy dismounted from the test rig for in-situ measurements on engines as well.

•Ten Complete test rigs operate already in practice worldwide and several international customers use the single components to measure directly on engines for this application.


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