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美国2B UV-106型臭氧检测仪原版手册

下载次数:272 浏览次数:472发布时间:2015-09-26 18:10
允许查看的会员等级:非会员   普通会员   高级会员   VIP会员   


2B Technologies, Inc. warrants its products against defects in materials and 

workmanship. 2B Technologies will, at its option, repair or replace products which 

prove to be defective. The warranty set forth is exclusive and no other warranty, 

whether written or oral, is expressed or implied. 2B Technologies specifically 

disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 

Warranty Periods 

The warranty period is one (1) year from date of receipt by the purchaser, but in no 

event more than thirteen (13) months from original invoice date from 2B Technologies, 


Warranty Service 

Warranty Service is provided to customers via web ticket, email and phone 

support, Monday - Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mountain Time USA. 

The preferred method of contacting us is through our web ticketing software at: 

This way all technical staff at 2B Tech will be alerted of your problem and be 

able to respond. When you receive an email reply, please click on the Ticket 

link provided to continue to communicate with us directly over the internet. The 

web ticket approach to customer service allows us to better track your problem 

and be certain that you get a timely response. We at 2B Tech pride ourselves 

on the excellent customer service we provide. 

You may also contact us by email at techsupport@twobtech.com or by phone 

at +1(303)273-0559. In either case, a web ticket will be created, and future 

communications with you will be through that ticket. 

Initial support involves trouble-shooting and determination of parts to be 

shipped from 2B Technologies to the customer in order to return the product to 

operation within stated specifications. If such support is not efficient and 

effective, the product may be returned to 2B Technologies for repair or 

replacement. Prior to returning the product, a Repair Authorization Number 

(RA) must be obtained from the 2B Technologies Service Department. We will 

provide you with a simple Repair Authorization Form to fill out to return with the 



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