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美国LGR 氨气分析仪英文资料

下载次数:214 浏览次数:166发布时间:2016-08-16 13:54
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LGR’s Ammonia Analyzer provides sensitive

measurements of ammonia (and water vapor)

in ambient air or in industrial process flows

with extremely high precision and sensitivity. No

longer do you have to spend a lot of money or

wait a long time to measure ammonia with high

sensitivity – LGR’s Ammonia Analyzer provides

measurements every second with ppb-level

precision. LGR now offers the option for direct

measurements of ammonia in pure ethylene

flows (no scrubber) - the world’s only analyzer

with this capability. In addition, the AA can

report measurements quickly over a wide range

of concentrations.

LGR’s new “Enhanced Performance series”

incorporates proprietary internal thermal control

for ultra-stable, minimal-drift measurements

with unsurpassed precision and accuracy.

The AA is available in different packaging

options to allow users to select the one most

suitable for their needs. LGR’s benchtop

package includes a keyboard, mouse, and video

monitor. LGR’s rackmount package fits in a

standard instrumentation rack and requires an

external keyboard, mouse, and video monitor.


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