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美国LGR NO2分析仪英文资料

下载次数:187 浏览次数:131发布时间:2016-08-16 14:03
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LGR’s NO2 Analyzer uses cavity enhanced laser

absorption spectroscopy to measure the mole

fraction of nitrogen dioxide continuously and

directly in flowing air samples. The Nitrogen

Dioxide Analyzer is ideal for a wide variety

of monitoring applications of this gas where

extreme precision, accuracy and fast response

are required. The NO2 Analyzer’s ease-of-use

and durability make it an ideal choice for field,

flight and laboratory-based applications. LGR’s

analyzers are used by researchers, scientists,

governmental agencies and intergovernmental

organizations on all seven continents.

For highest stability and long-term

reproducibility, the NO2 Analyzer is now

available in LGR's "Enhanced Performance"

packaging. LGR’s “Enhanced Performance”

series incorporates proprietary internal thermal

control for ultra-stable measurements.


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