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美国LGR OCS分析仪英文资料

下载次数:188 浏览次数:162发布时间:2016-08-16 14:05
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Since OCS uptake by vegetation is associated

with photosynthetic CO2 uptake, but not

with respiration, simultaneous measurements

of OCS and CO2 may serve as a new and

potentially powerful method to study gross

photosynthesis. LGR’s OCS Analyzer (carbonyl

sulfide) reports OCS and CO2 simultaneously at

ambient levels with extremely high precision.

In addition, the OCS Analyzer also measures

carbon monoxide (CO), and water vapor (H2O)

to allow for reporting on a dry mole fraction

basis without the need for sample drying, or

any post correction procedure.

The Analyzer is extraordinarily simple to use,

may be set up in minutes and does not require

cryogens or water cooling.

LGR’s OCS Analyzer is designed to study CO2

ecosystem exchange but may also be used

for other demanding applications including

trace gas monitoring, eddy-correlation flux

measurements, chamber flux measurements,

and combustion diagnostics. The Analyzer is

particularly well suited for measurements in

the field since it is similar to versions that have

been successfully deployed on-board NASA

DC-8 aircraft for measurements in the upper

troposphere and lower stratosphere. LGR’s

OCS Analyzer is essentially unaffected by other

atmospheric gases or changes in atmospheric



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