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Grimm 11-C 粒径谱仪原版产品资料

下载次数:345 浏览次数:468发布时间:2016-09-03 17:12
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For more than 30 years GRIMM aerosol spectrometers are successfully used all over the world and appreciated by thousands of users. The model 11-C combines in its compact and rugged design both reliable opti cal particle detecti on for counti ng and classifying dust particles as well as advanced data communicati on. The allrounder with no limits for all your applicati ons! The 11-C is suitable for conti nuous measurements via power supply or fl exible usage with a batt ery and remote control for real ti me data acquisiti on and data analysis.


This confi gurati on puts the 11-C into the worldwide leading positi on of portable aerosol spectrometers for any common applicati on such as parti cle number concentrati on, PM-values or parti cle size distributi on. The best choice for reliable, fl exible and real ti me measurements for indoor air quality, e.g. at workplaces, inside of vehicles or for process analysis.

PM10 PM2.5 EN 481 0.25-32 µm REAL-TIME


Versati le data acquisiti on and communicati on

(Bluetooth, USB, Ethernet, RS-232, SD-card)

Real-ti me monitoring of parti cle number and PM

values (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1)

Additi onal informati on for parti cle size distributi -

on, parti cle surface, and dust mass

High precision with 31 size channels and good


Integrated 47 mm PTFE-fi lter (GRIMM dual technology)

Self-test for all opti cal and pneumati c components

assures high quality standards

Internal rinsing air protects the laser and

detector in the opti cal cell

Opti onal sensors for temperature and relati ve


Ease of use via keypad or GRIMM soft ware


11 size channels < 1µm for precise submicron

detecti on

Total inlet volume fl ow (1.2 liter/min) is analyzed

in the opti cal cell

Excellent counti ng stati sti cs and reproducibility

at low and high dust concentrati ons


PM2.5 in indoor environment according to

VDI 4300, part 11

Indoor air quality (IAQ) in buildings and vehicles

Dust polluti on measurements

Workplace monitoring

Process control in industry


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