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cis(CESVA Insulation Studio)软件原版资料

下载次数:119 浏览次数:348发布时间:2016-10-04 13:16
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CESVA Insulation Studio is a powerful software application designed to calculate and generate reports of

acoustic insulation in accordance with norms ISO 16283-1, ISO 140 and ISO 717, for airborne insulation

between rooms, airborne insulation of façades, impact noise insulation and reverberation time. The application

generates reports for both Laboratory and In situ measurements (ISO 10140-2/-3 and ISO 140-3 to ISO

140-8), and also complies with national regulations from various countries: Spain, France, Portugal, Italy,

United Kingdom, Finland, Brazil, Switzerland and United States.

The programme automatically creates the report quickly and simple way from data downloaded from

CESVA SC160, SC-30, SC260 and SC310 (*.ccf files) and SC420 (*.cdf files).

CESVA insulation Studio uses a project structure where data is saved. In this way various reports can

be made using the same project and the projects can also be used as templates.

CESVA Insulation Studio is a practical, user-friendly tool that will save you time in the generation of your

acoustic insulation reports.


 ISO 717, ISO 16283-1 and ISO 140 compliant.

 Specific reports and single-number ratings in compliance

with national and international regulations

 Results with uncertainties

 Data stored in project structure

 Graphic and numeric data editing and reverberation

time recalculation

 Report printing and export to word processors


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