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Topas PASWin32 手册

下载次数:409 浏览次数:798发布时间:2016-10-06 20:57
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Hardware and Software Requirements

PASWin runs on a standard PC with no special requirements regarding

other software.

A serial or a TCP/IP port must be available to connect the particle

counter for data transfer. If only USB ports are available a standard

USB-to-Serial Adapter can be used.


Software installation

PASWin is installed by running the INSTALL.EXE from the provided CDRom

or other external data medium. If the Autorun feature of the

computer is enabled the installation program starts automatically after

inserting the CD-Rom. Simply click on


and follow the

Depending on the particle counter to be used its configuration files (*.cfg)

must be copied into the \cal sub-directory of the program.

If you are using a particle counter of LAP321 or FAS362 series the

configuration file is stored on the device and thus copying is not


Particle measuring instruments

PASWin is designed for use with different Topas particle instruments and

other particle counters equipped with a serial or TCP/IP interface as

shown below.

 Laser Aerosol Particle Size Spectrometer for aerosols, LAP Series

 Particle Analyzer System for liquids, FAS Series

 Other particle counters e.g. Hiac Royco HR5230, TSI Aerodynamic

 Particle Sizer APS332x, Klotz Abakus Mobil Air (further on request)

All instruments are based on optical single particle measurement

detecting the light scattering or light extinction. They provide either count

channel histograms or particle size distributions processed by PASWin.

More specific information about the instruments can be found in their

instruction manuals.


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