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DEFT 44GN-36底漆原版资料

下载次数:587 浏览次数:319发布时间:2016-10-29 19:02
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GK & QK: Stir or shake the base component to ensure any pigment,

which may have settled on the bottom of the can, has been fully

incorporated into the base. Do not stir or shake the base component

longer than 5 minutes. Slowly add the one volume of catalyst to two

volumes base component. Mix by hand stirring, paint shaker or

mechanical mixing to ensure the base/catalyst mixture is homogeneous.


THAN 5 MINUTES. To the catalyzed primer, add approx. 4.5 volumes

(150%) of distilled or deionized water. Slowly add the water in one-third

increments, mixing thoroughly after each addition, until fully incorporated

and homogeneous. Be sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the

container. Constant agitation of the material during spray application is

recommended. The water is used to adjust the viscosity. Volumes of

water needed may vary between 125 – 175%. 1GK &1QK: Add the

entire catalyst component to the base component. Fill the can to the

chime with distilled or deionized water. Secure the can lid and place on

paint shaker in an inverted position for 10 – 15 minutes. DO NOT SHAKE

LONGER THAN 15 MINUTES. Primer is now ready for use.

Conventional, Air, Air Assisted Airless, HVLP, Electrostatic spray

equipment may be used to apply this material. For your application,

please contact the equipment manufacturer for more specific information

on Conventional, HVLP or Electrostatic spray applications, and

recommendations on hose diameter and lengths.

This material is available in the follow kit sizes:

Kit size Approx. Yield (Mixed) Approx. Shipping


GK 2.5 gallons 11.70 lbs (5.34 kg)

1GK 1 gallon 5.27 lbs (2.4 kg)

QK 2.5 quarts 3.35 lbs (1.52 kg)

1QK 1 quart 1.74 lbs (0.79 kg)

Additional kit sizes are available upon request.

Water will clean approximately 95% of liquid primer remaining on

equipment. Follow with Deft’s IS-248 Cleaning Solvent for Water

Reducible Primer to remove any residual primer from equipment. Once

material has cured, use an approved chemical paint removal system to

strip primer from parts and equipment.


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