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1.2 General Safety Instructions

For your own safety and the proper operation of


DO NOT spill liquids onto the machine.

DO NOT expose operating panel of machine torain or any other excess moisture.

DO NOT allow liquid to be sucked into inlet tube.

If you intend to use the instrument in a harshenvironment, give it some protection. Even just a transparent plastic bag enclosing the RAD7 (but not the air sampling tube) can protect it from splashing mud and water. Allowing the dry air from the RAD7 outlet to exhaust into the interior of the bag will keep the RAD7 in a clean and dry environment.

If liquid does get into the machine, pleasedisconnect the power cord, turn off the power switch, and follow the instructions in Chapter 4.8.1, Harsh and Hazardous Environments:

Splashing Water. It will be necessary to return the RAD7 to DURRIDGE for repair. Do not use your RAD7 if the instrument is damaged or malfunctioning. Please call, or email,the DURRIDGE service department, who will advise what to do about the problem. Replace a frayed or damaged power cord immediately. Electrical equipment may be hazardous if misused. Keep away from children. Do not open or attempt to repair the machine. The detector has an internal high voltage supply that can generate more than 2,500V.


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