Is the storage card inserted when switching on the device or is it being inserted within stand-by mode
and subsequently accepted, the LCD shows for about 3 seconds card size and version. Afterwards the
interval and free storage time will be displayed. With the keys "+" and "-" the data storage interval can
be changed during this indication and the free storage times refresh. With an inserted and installed
data storage card all measured values will automatically be saved on the storage card.
The device will only accept a data storage card if all data have been deleted or if the card
already has been used inside the same device without changing the number or kind of
sensors. A not accepted data storage card does not show free storage space.
It is not possible to use a data storage card from an other device if this card is not empty.
Already existing data from an other device with a different serial number have to be deleted,
before new data from the actual device can be stored on this card.
The storage card can be deleted in two different ways. On the one hand with the adequate key
combination via the key pad, see chapter 5.4. Key functions in the standby mode, or on the other hand
via the Windows software, or an adequate control command using the HyperTerminal, see RS-232 in
chapter 5.4.
The measurement does not start if the storage card is not accepted. Please check if the write
protection of the data storage card is being activated. The write protection can be activated
respectively deactivated with slider next to the cards´ battery case.
If no data storage card is being used the LCD shows after switching on the device:
Starting a measurement and additional warning signal (beep-tone) resounds.
Data preservation and storage times
A buffer battery preserves the data on the storage card. If the storage card is inserted inside the
device, the power supply happens via the device. Before changing the battery please read out all the
data otherwise data loss might happen.
Having the message:
means that the battery of the storage card has to be changed.
There are data storage cards with various storage capacity, beginning at 256 KB up to 4 MB. The
storage interval can be selected stepwise. Transcending the stated storage time leads to overwriting of
the oldest values. The card remains ready-to-operate.
Table 1: Storage times of the data storage card for firmware version 12.30, model 11-A
INTERVAL 1min 5min 10min 15min 30min 60min 6sec 3sec 2sec 1sec
(80 Kbyte) 12h 2d 13h 5d 2h 7d 15h 15d 7h 30d 15h 1h 12min 36min 24min 12min
1 Mbyte 6d 12h 32d 16h 65d 8h 98d 0h 196d 0h 1y 27d 15h 44min 7h 52min 5h 14min 2h 37min
4 Mbyte 26d 3h 130d 16h 261d 8h 1Y 27d 2Y 54d 4Y 108d 2d 15h 1d 7h 20h 59min 10h 29min