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ITW Texwipe TX58系列技术资料

下载次数:262 浏览次数:539发布时间:2016-12-01 13:37
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TexWrite® 22 is a cleanroom bond paper impregnated with a

synthetic copolymer to substantially reduce the risk of particle

generation associated with standard papers. Unlike other

cleanroom papers, TexWrite® 22 is formulated without organic

fillers such as calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide or aluminum

silicate. Although these fillers impart whiteness and opacity, they

also contribute to ionic contamination. Eliminating organic fillers

significantly reduces ionic contamination in the cleanroom.

TexWrite® 22 bond possesses both strength and excellent heat

resistance, making it ideal for use in laser printers and

photocopiers. TexWrite® 22 is available in white, blue, yellow,

pink and green to allow for easy identification as cleanroom

paper or to differentiate between shifts, areas or projects.


■ No organic fillers

■ No natural latex binders

■ High strength and excellent heat resistance

■ Excellent toner adhesion

■ Cleanroom packaged

■ Precision-cut edges


■ Very low particle counts and sodium levels

■ Reduced ionic and metal contamination

■ Compatible with toner and offset printing

■ Autoclavable for use in sterile environments


■ Standard-duty and high-speed laser printers and photocopiers

■ No risk of latex associated reactions

■ Offset printing

■ Note taking, cleanroom manuals and work instructions


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