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Analytical Precision Weights

OIML Precision Weights

OIML Precision Weights are manufactured from the finest materials

including Troemner Alloy 8 and are manufactured in sizes ranging from

1 mg through 50 kg. Weights are available in Troemner UltraClass

Platinum, UltraClass Gold, UltraClass, OIML R 111 Class E0**, E1, E2, F1

and F2, and ANSI/ASTM E617 Class 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Analytical Precision Weights are manufactured from the finest materials

including Troemner Alloy 8 and are manufactured in sizes ranging from

1 mg through 50 kg. Weights are available in Troemner UltraClass

Platinum, UltraClass Gold, UltraClass, ANSI/ASTM E617 Class 000, 00, 0,

1, 2, 3 and 4 and OIML R 111 Class E0**, E1, E2, F1 and F2.

Weight and Weight Case Summary

Electronic Balance Weights

Electronic Balance Weights are manufactured in sizes ranging from 10 g

through 30 kg. Weights are available in Troemner UltraClass Platinum,

UltraClass Gold, UltraClass, ANSI/ASTM E617 Class 1, 2, 3 and 4, and

OIML R 111 Class F1 and F2.


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