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Aeroqual s-520臭氧检测仪原版说明书

This unit is designed for use at temperatures between -5°C and +50°C (23°F and 120°F). Sudden change
下载次数:128 浏览次数:562发布时间:2015-10-10 11:44
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Your Ozone Monitor is a product of superior design and quality and should

be treated with care.

 This unit is designed for use at temperatures between -5°C and +50°C

(23°F and 120°F). Sudden changes in temperature will cause

condensation that may damage the electronic components.

 Do not attempt to open. Non-expert handling of the device may cause


 Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents or strong detergents for

cleaning. Wipe with a soft cloth slightly dampened with a mild soap-andwater


Cleaning of Inlet and Outlet Nozzles

 Ozone is readily destroyed by contact with organic particles such as

dust. In dusty environments the nozzle stainless steel mesh should be

removed and cleaned regularly with clean water. Once dry, the mesh

should be restored to its original position.


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