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下载次数:151 浏览次数:652发布时间:2017-02-10 18:06
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The pDR Port communication software is for use with the pDR1500 and the ADR1500.


Insert the CD-ROM or storage device containing the pDR Port installation to the computer and locate the file 'pDRPort020002setup.exe' and run it (double-click).

1) At the 'Welcome' message box, choose 'Next'.

2) At the 'Destination Folder' message box, either browse to the desired folder or accept the folder offered (recommended). Choose ‘Next'

3) At the 'Ready to Install' message box, choose 'Install’.

4) Installation of the 'Silicon Laboratories CP210x VCP Driver' is offered. This is required for USB connection.

a. Select "Install a new instance of this application and click 'Next'.

b. At the "Silicon Labs: Welcome to the..." box, click 'Next'.

c. At the "License Agreement" [EULA], select 'I agree...' and click 'Next'

d. Browse or accept directory offered. If unsure, accept. Click 'Next'.

e. At the 'Ready to install' box, click 'Install'.

f. **IMPORTANT* * At the 'Install Complete' box, be sure the "Launch the CP210x VCP Driver Installer" item is checked and click 'Finish'

*** NOTE: If Step 4-f was not completed, locate "CP210xVCPInstaller.exe" on the computer's hard drive and run it.

5) At the 'Program Group' message box, assign a folder or accept the folder offered (recommended) and click 'OK'.

6) Double-click on the pDR Port Icon in the folder showing or locate the 'pDR Port' in the 'Program menu' in Windows ("start", "All programs").

7) For instructions on how to use this software, from the top menu of "pDR Port", select "Help", "Contents".


Version 02.00.02 changes relative to version 02.00.01:

1. Fixed issue when downloading tags over 70.

2. Revised help file to improve Windows 7 and 8.1 compatibility.

3. Removed link to the manual.


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