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Diameter (nominal) 20 nm - 900 nm 1 µm - 1000 µm 0.5 µm - 1.6 µm 2 µm - 20 µm 30 µm - 2000 µm
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Thermo Scientific NIST Traceable Particle Size Standards

Product Specifications


3000 Series 4000 Series 8000 Series 9000 (Borosilicate) 9000 (Soda Lime)

Composition Polystyrene Polystyrene Amorphous Silica Borosilicate Glass Soda Lime Glass

Diameter (nominal) 20 nm - 900 nm 1 µm - 1000 µm 0.5 µm - 1.6 µm 2 µm - 20 µm 30 µm - 2000 µm

Concentration 1% solids Various (see table) 2% solids 100% dry glass 100% dry glass

Density 1.05 g/cm3 1.05 g/cm3 1.8 to 2.2 g/cm3 2.5 - 2.55 g/cm3 2.4 - 2.6 g/cm3

Index of Refraction 1.59@589 nm (25°C) 1.59@589 nm (25°C) 1.40-1.46@589 nm


1.56@589 nm (25°C) 1.40-1.46@589 nm


Fill Volume 15 mL 15 mL 15 mL 1 g 1 g

Expiration Date ≥ 24 months ≥ 24 months ≥ 24 months ≥ 24 months ≥ 24 months

Content Polymer partices in


Polymer particles in

water (<200µm) or Dry

polymer particles

Silica particles in


Glass particles Glass particles

Additives Trace amount of


Trace amount of


None None None

Package Includes Certificate of Calibration and Traceability to NIST, Materal Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Storage and Handling Unless otherwise stated, refrigerate (2-8 °C) product when not in use but do not freeze. Store upright and keep bottle tightly

sealed. Mix product with gentle inversion by hand or vortex mixer.


Instrument Calibration

Particle Size Standards provide third party traceability to national and international standards. Traceability is documented through an

unbroken chain of measurements (with specified uncertainties) that are tied back to the standards. Our products can also help in the

development and testing of new analytical instruments and particle size analyzers.

Routine Checks

By performing routine checks, the user will be alerted to any shift in laser function or calibration curve shape. These checks will alert the

user to instrument problems thus avoiding misleading or inconsistent data.


Spacer particles establish the correct cell gap during the assembly of liquid crystal displays and other precision microelectronics. Glass

particles have sufficient thermal stability to withstand heating and also good compression strength so as to not break or fracture under



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