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BGI GK-2.69旋风切割器手册

下载次数:237 浏览次数:363发布时间:2017-02-20 12:10
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This cyclone is intended to be used with the BGI-AFC-123 R/T personal sampling pump

or any personal sampling pump meeting the following pressure/volume characteristics:

37 mm Media Type Flow Rate - LPM Pressure Drop, cm of H2O

GF/A Fiberglass 4.2 11.5

GF/A Fiberglass 1.6 3.4

0.8μm MCE 1.6 11.9

Gelman Teflo, 2μm 4.2 7.4

Gelman Teflo, 2μm 1.6 1.8

At the stipulated flow rate of 4.2 Lpm, the instrument conforms to the US and European

respirable dust curve with a 50% cut point of 4μm. At 1.6 Lpm, it corresponds to the

standard for the Thoracic curve with a 50% cut point of 10μm.


Remove the front portion of a 3 piece cassette (blue plug) by inserting a coin in the

annular slot closest to the blue plug and twisting. Save the portion removed to reinstall

for filter protection after sampling. Press the portion of the cassette containing the filter

onto the tapered top of the cyclone - fitted with an orange “O” ring.

Next, remove the red plug from the back of the cassette and push in the taper luer plug,

which is attached to the hose.

The cyclone is clipped to the worker’s lapel and the long hose is run over the worker’s

shoulder to the personal sampler appropriately situated on the worker’s waist belt.

Proceed with sampling according to your experience, regulations, or the instructions for

the personal sampler being used. The procedures are the same as for a routine cassette

dust sample, except that only the respirable or thoracic fraction actually reaches the filter

surface. Selection of filter materials varies with different countries and regulations.


Tel: 4006609565




Attach your calibration device (rotameter or preferably The Challenger) to the inlet tube

of the cyclone with a suitable section of 1/4 inch I.D. tubing. The cyclone should be set

up for normal use with a fresh filter. Turn the personal sampler on and adjust the flow

rate to 4.2 or 1.6 liters per minute. Because of the inlet tube used on this cyclone design,

the old fashioned calibration jar is no longer necessary.


After disconnecting the suction tubing, carefully remove the cassette and replace the

cover and red plug.

Remove the grit pot by unscrewing it. Dispose of its contents and clean and dry it.

Unscrew the top of the cyclone and remove the clean out plug above the inlet tube. The

parts can now be cleaned, thoroughly. PROTRACTED SOAKING IN SOAP/CAUSTIC


WARNING: Because of the almost infinite variety of dusts which may be sampled with

this device, it is not possible to give specific, recommendations for cleaning substances.

Also, it must be noted to be careful not to re-aerosolize hazardous materials when using

compressed air for cleaning. Utilize good hygiene practices at all times.


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