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Miller 122XD脱模剂原版技术资料

下载次数:215 浏览次数:342发布时间:2017-02-21 16:50
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MS-122XD is a versatile and robust release agent / dry

lubricant, which utilizes a rapidly drying, VOC exempt

carrier solvent to enhance throughput and production

efficiency. The formulation contains a high lubricity, low

molecular weight PTFE fluoropolymer designed to not

interfere with posting finishing operations. MS-122XD

offer the following benefits:

• Efficient, consistent release of molded parts

• Outstanding lubricity and minimization of slip-stick

• VOC exempt formulation

• Nonflammable, Non-ozone depleting

• Non-migrating; Non-staining

Release Agent Applications

MS-122XD can be used to release the following materials

with virtually no transfer of the release agent:

• Plastics • Rubbers

• Resins • Phenolics

• Acrylics • Polycarbonates

• Urethanes • Polystyrene

• Nylons • Elastomers

Dry Lubricant Applications

As a dry lubricant, MS-122XD is applicable on a variety of

materials and will afford unmatched lubricity and wear

resistance. These materials include:

• Metal • Ceramics

• Glass • Elastomers

• Rubber • Polycarbonates

• Wood • Elastomers

Physical Properties:

Primary Polymer:….Fluoropolymer

Appearance:……….White Particle suspension


Specific Gravity:……1.58 g/mL @ 25°C

Ozone depletion……0.00


Recommended Application Procedure:

1. Clean mold surface thoroughly. Mechanical

cleaning followed by chemical cleaning, provides

the best surface for application of 122XD.

Removal of all previous mold release agent is


2. Shake can vigorously for one minute. Hold can

approximately 6-8 inches away from a nonheated

mold surface, and apply a light coat of

release agent.

3. Allow solvent to dry completely before molding

any parts. This will ensure the most effective

coating for durability and cycle life.


1. When release becomes hesitant, reapply one

coat of MS-122XD in the same manner as

described above.

Fused Coatings Procedure

1. After applying the release agent, heat the surface

to 581ºF - 600ºF. Coating will transition from a

white to translucent will occur. Maintain for 10


2. If a white residue is left on the metal surface, buff

with a soft cloth.

MS-122 Product Line:

Miller-Stephenson offers a selection of specialized

formulations which provide high performance solutions for

your molding process. The MS-122 Series will deliver


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