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德国Topas SAG410粉尘气溶胶发生器原版手册

下载次数:346 浏览次数:413发布时间:2017-02-27 11:39
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The innovative idea of the SAG 410 is a special segmental feeding belt

with defined constant small volumes. By these volumes small proportions

of the powder are moved from the scraper to the ejector. By this way the

number of powder volumes which pass the ejector can be easily set with

the belt speed. Filling the powder is done by a specially developed


The design of the SAG 410 warrants an reproducible aerosol generation

even for long time operations.

The control board on the front panel enables an easy operation of the

generator. By using the external interface the SAG 410 can also be

operated by a remote control system or a computer.

The SAG 410 consist of following three main components

feeding and dispersing unit

control unit and


Due to the modular design, the feeding and dispersing unit can be easily

changed against one with a different feeding range (SAG 410/H).

The feeding range of the SAG 410 is 3 ... 640g/h. The feeding and

dispersing unit of the SAG 410/H (high flow) enables to feed and

disperse 50 ... 4000g/h. The feeding and dispersing unit is optional and

can be ordered from Topas.

Button “SCRAPER”

Scraper speed can be selected with the button “SCRAPER”. The

optimum value depends on the properties of the powder. It can be found

out by some tests.

Caution: The segments of the feeding belt must be constantly filled

by the scraper. Check this fact visually by removing the rear

panel during the SAG 410 is operating. Do not touch moving

parts in the powder disperser.

Compressed Air Supply

The compressed air supply can be connected at the inlet on the front

panel of the powder disperser.

Caution: Do not connect a compressed air supply with more than

6bar (6 x 105

Pa) operation pressure.

With the pressure regulator, which is part of delivery, the ejectorpressure

can be adjusted to get a good dispersion of the powder. If the

ejector-pressure becomes lower than 1bar (1 x 105

Pa) the controller

stops any action of the feeding belt because the ejector in such

conditions can not take up and disperse the feeded powder.

Interface for External Controlling – “EXTERNAL”

Via the interface on the front panel of the SAG 410 the powder disperser

can be externally controlled. For this operation the switch “CONTROL”

must be setted on “E1” or “E2”. One can find the description of the

interface in the appendix.


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