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NEOGENE C85/538 GLOSS RED 5L包装原版资料

下载次数:46 浏览次数:488发布时间:2017-03-07 22:37
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Physical Properties

VOC 568 - 667 g/l

Coverage 12-15 m²/lt

Solids 29.3 - 46.7 %

SG 0.91 - 1.13 kg/l

Shelf Life 12 months

Viscosity Reduction

C8 thinners may be added to obtain a spray appliation viscosity.

Surface Preparation

The substrate should be clean, free from contaminants and grease. If small areas of contamination

are evident then localised cleaning with surfactant wash is recommended. On highly contaminated

articles, steam degreasing is advised.

Primer Details

For coating metal substrates use the following primers:

Etch Primer : SA773/774 or SA405

Air Drying Primer : A868/A869 or A1215


Application Method: Spray

18-23 seconds on a BS B4 flow cup at 25°C

Contact the supplier for recommendations prior to making significant changes to product viscosity.


Air dry after 30 minutes. May be polished after 24 hours.


available in a large range of colours and finishes

Packed in 5 & 25 litre containers


Performance requirements for specifications not covered here shoulld be notified when requesting samples. Coatings can be

tailored to customer specifications as appropriate.

All information is given in good faith and suitable small scale trials should be carrried out by the customer to ensure full

compatibility with individual processing requirements.


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