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ACC SILCOSET 158原版技术资料

下载次数:195 浏览次数:248发布时间:2017-04-19 20:33
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Most electronic components produce heat when in use. The

unwanted heat has to be dissipated away from the components to

maintain performance and avoid premature failure of the

components or device. The need for efficient transfer of heat has

become a key design requirement as components continue to

reduce in size and increase in power, this is particularly apparent

with microchip processors, LED’s and power packs.

Designs will vary but in essence all involve some form of heat sink to

dissipate the heat away from the active components. It is the

interface between the heat sink and component that calls for the use

of thermal transfer compounds, without their use any air gaps that

exist will act as an insulator and prevent heat escaping.

These transfer materials come in a wide variety of forms; liquid adhesives, pastes, gels, potting compounds,

sheets, rolls, pads and sprays. They also utilise an equally large array of chemistries. Choice of material will be

driven by a combination of factors including:

• Thermal requirements

• Manufacturing processes

• Environmental operating conditions

• Need for additional functionality

We will not endeavour to cover all the options available but will focus on the use of silicones as a base for

manufacturing performance heat transfer compounds. 


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