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Fomblin greases are homogenous, white, thick and particularly resistance to oxidation and to chemical

agents. Further, they are compatible with all types of material (glass, metals, elastomers, plastics, ceramics)

and their properties remain unaltered over wide temperature ranges. Fomblin greases can be used in

the presence of water, oils, vapor and, in general, with all organic substances and solvents which are not

highly fluorinated, without being removed, dissolved or modified in any way. Fomblin grades are:

OT 20: OT 20 is a homogenous white grease suitable for lubricating mechanical parts subjected to low loads,

used at low operating temperatures and high thermal ranges (from –70°to 100°C). OT 20 is particularly

suitable for lubricating roller bearings of conveyor belts or suspended conveyor belts used in cold storage


UT 18: UT 18 is a homogeneous white grease suitable for lubricating mechanical parts used in wide

temperature intervals (from –30°to 150°C with peak temp. up to 200°C). UT 18 is particularly suitable for

lubricating friction mechanical parts subjected to medium loads, where standard mineral and synthetic

lubricants are not resistant to temperature and air degradation. UT 18 is also used in lubricating special

optical and micromechanical equipment.

RT 15: RT 15 is a homogeneous white grease suitable for lubricating mechanical parts requiring boundary

(extreme pressure) lubricating properties. Shell four ball EP tests that Fomblin RT 15’s welding point is 800

Kg. Its operating temperature range is from –20° to 200°C. Its properties make it suitable in “lubricating for

life” applications.

Y VAC 3:Y VAC 3 is a homogeneous white grease particularly suitable for use as a lubricant of

mechanical parts operating at high vacuum and in contact with aggressive chemicals or oxygen. Y VAC 3

is used in “lubricating for life” applications; its lubricating properties make it suitable for parts

requiring boundary (extreme pressure) lubricating properties. It’s welding point, in Shell four ball EP tests,

is 620 Kg. Y VAC 3 can be used to lubricate mechanical parts subjected to high thermo–mechanical stress. Y

VAC 3 can be used for long periods of time, and at very high operating temperatures (from –20°to 200°C) and

is therefore widely used in the manufacturing,

aeronautical and electromechanical industries.YRT 2:YRT 2 is a homogeneous off–white colored

grease having excellent rust inhibiting and solvent wash–out resistance properties. YRT 2 is suitable for

lubricating mechanical couplings subjected to heavy loads. Due to its good boundary lubricating properties

YRT 2 can be used in various applications, especially for lubricating roller bearings of suspended conveyors

of conveyor belts in furnaces or painting/varnishing coating plants.

YUH2:YUH 2 is a homogeneous off–white colored grease having excellent rust inhibiting properties. Its

chemical, physical and mechanical properties make it suitable for “long life” lubrication of mechanical parts.


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