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SKC Quicktake 30采样泵原版手册

下载次数:190 浏览次数:522发布时间:2017-05-21 21:46
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Ordering Information

QuickTake 30 requires 3/8-inch ID tubing.


• Use only SKC-approved parts to ensure reliable performance. Failure to do so

voids any warranty.

• Failure to follow warnings and cautions voids any warranty.

Description Cat. No.

QuickTake 30 Sample Pump*† includes battery pack and cassette and

tubing adapters; requires Cat. No. 223-245 charger accessory below 228-9530C

QuickTake 30 Sample Pump*†

 and Charger includes pump with

battery pack, AC charger/adapter (100-240 V), cassette and tubing

adapters, and tubing 228-9530

QuickTake 30 Sample Pump,*†

 Rotameter, and Charger includes

pump with battery pack, AC charger/adapter (100-240 V), cassette and

tubing adapters, rotameter, and tubing 228-9530A

QuickTake 30 BioStage Pump*†

 Kit includes pump and charger as

described above, Standard BioStage Impactor, mounting bracket with

inlet adapter, calibration adapter, rotameter, and deluxe carry case 228-9530K

Replacement Parts

Replacement Inlet Filters, pk/50 P40021A

Stem Tubing Adapter, pk/2 P31239

Cassette Adapter P33100

Reducing Adapter for Tubing, 3/8 inch to 1/4 inch, pk/2 P31211

Replacement Battery Pack,* Li-Ion P75689

Replacement Stack for QuickTake 30 P21266


Charger/Adapter, 100-240 V 223-245

Mounting Bracket for BioStage Impactor includes inlet adapter 228-9531

Rotameter, 3 to 30 L/min 320-100

Tygon Tubing, 3/8-inch ID 10 feet

50 feet225-1351 225-1352


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