Fill or Coat the Collection Vessel
1. Fill the collection vessel with collection liquid. You will need:
• Sterilized collection vessel(s)
• Pipett e
• Sterile collection liquid (can include, but is not limited to, sterile distilled
water, physiological saline, PBS, nutrient broth, or peptone water)
• Aluminum foil or Parafi lm
If using ViaTrap mineral oil as the collection liquid, sterilize it by fi ltering it through a
0.4-μm pore size sterile polycarbonate membrane fi lter. Do NOT autoclave ViaTrap;
heating the oil will make it cloudy.
a. In a sterile environment, aseptically pipet the appropriate amount of sterilized
collection liquid into the sterilized collection vessel.
If using a viscous liquid, such as ViaTrap or glycerol, pipet less than 20 ml of
viscous liquid into the 20-ml collection vessel (< 4 ml inside a 5-ml collection
vessel) to prevent overfl ow of liquid outside the sampler.
b. In the same sterile environment, assemble the clean, sterilized inlet, nozzle
section, and fi lled collection vessel.
c. Temporarily seal sampler inlet and outlet with aluminum foil or Parafi lm to
maintain sterility.
2. Coat the collection vessel. You will need:
• Sterilized collection vessel(s)
• Pipett e
• Sterile solution for coating (can include, but is not limited to, petroleum
jelly/hexane solution)
• Aluminum foil or Parafi lm
a. In a sterile environment, prepare coating solution. Note: SKC recommends
using a petroleum jelly/hexane solution (approximately 0.1 gram petroleum jelly
per milliliter of hexane).
b. Aseptically pipet a few drops of solution into the collection vessel and rotate
it so that its entire inner surface is wett ed. Ensure the coating covers the
region where the air jets impact the inner surface of the collection vessel. The
hexane will evaporate within fi ve minutes, leaving a uniform sticky layer on
the inner surface of the collection vessel.